
This is a Clojure implantation of the Gale–Shapley algorithm.

Primary LanguageClojureOtherNOASSERTION


This is a Clojure implantation of the Gale–Shapley algorithm.



[hinamizawa/stable-matching "0.1.0"]

Clojure CLI/deps.edn

hinamizawa/stable-matching {:mvn/version "0.1.0"}

Here goes an example:

(ns stable-matching.core-test
  (:require [stable-matching.core :refer [stable-match]]))

(def women-preference {:charlotte [:bingley :darcy :collins :wockham]
                       :elizabeth [:wickham :darcy :bingley :collins]
                       :jane      [:bingley :wickham :darcy :collins]
                       :lydia     [:bingley :wickham :darcy :collins]})

(def men-preference {:bingley [:jane :elizabeth :lydia :charlotte]
                     :jane    [:jane :elizabeth :lydia :charlotte]
                     :darcy   [:elizabeth :jane :charlotte :lydia]
                     :wickham [:lydia :jane :elizabeth :charlotte]})

(stable-match women-preference men-preference)
=> {:jane      :bingley
    :lydia     :wickham
    :elizabeth :darcy
    :charlotte :collins}


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