This is a module to store and track tasks that need to be done
This module can be used to store tasks that need to be completed, track the progress and state of those tasks, and mark them as complete once they are finished.
The attributes a task can have are:
- Title
- Description
- Creation Date - automatically created
- Due Date
- Assignee - separate object?
- Name
- Department(Group)
- phone
- State - todo, in progress, on hold, done
- Completion date - automatically created when marked as done
- Notes
Create task to be completed
Update task attributes
Change task state - most likely attribute to be changed, should be a shortcut
Return all tasks
Return all tasks belonging to an Assignee
Return all tasks with a particular state
Return all tasks due in a particular date range(including a single date)
Show metrics
- time to complete tasks for group or inidvidual