
A JavaScript/Canvas port of Xonix

Primary LanguageJavaScript


PicXonix is a sort of framework for making Xonix clones on JavaScript/Canvas. It features a picture (image) hidden behind the playing field; this modification is borrowed from Sexonix, another Xonix clone. But unlike the latter PicXonix extends the meaning of a picture, allowing to create image-based quiz games.

PicXonix is almost ready-to-use application apart from the lack of real window output and UI (game control).

Play Demo


PicXonix game is initialized by the following syntax:

picxonix(element, options);

element is a DOM element the PicXonix output (graphics) has to be attached to.

options - the main configuration, object containing any combination of the following properties:

  • width, height - default dimensions (width/height) of PicXonix image.
  • sizeCell - dimension (width = height) of the playfield cell;
  • colorFill, colorBorder, colorBall, colorBallIn - colors of the playfield elements and objects;
  • timeoutCollision - time to freeze game after collision;
  • callback - callback function has to be called when a PicXonix event occurs (see the list below);
  • callbackOnFrame - boolean indicating whether the above callback function should be called at each animation frame.

callback should have the following signature:

function (event) {...}

event is a PicXonix event index which take one of the following values:

  • 0 - "animation frame" event, occurs at each animation frame rendering;
  • 1 - "collision" event, occurs when the cursor collide with any of enemy objects;
  • 2 - "conquer" event, occurs when the cursor captures area inside the playfield.

Also options may contain any of the level configuration properties (see below).

See the demo.html file for an example of usage.


New Level

Start new level


picxonix('level', options);

options - new level configuration, object containing any combination of the following properties:

  • image - new level image URL (path). Mandatory property;
  • nBalls - number of Ball objects (white circles in the default configuration);
  • nWarders - number of Warder objects (black squares in the default configuration);
  • speedCursor - rate of the Cursor object (dark violet square in the default configuration) speed;
  • speedEnemy - rate of enemy object (Ball or Warder) speed.

End Level

Finishes the current level


picxonix('end', flag);

flag - boolean indicating whether the current level's image should be fully disclosed at the level's end

Playing Mode

Set playing mode for the current level


picxonix('play', flag);

flag - boolean indicating whether the current level is playing or not (paused)

Level State

Get the current level state



Returns an object containing the following properties:

  • play - playing mode flag (boolean);
  • posCursor - the cursor position in cells (array of 2 elements);
  • warders - number of Warder objects;
  • speedCursor - rate of the Cursor object speed;
  • speedEnemy - rate of enemy object speed.
  • cleared - percentage of the cleared/conquered area;

Cursor Movement Direction

Set the cursor movement direction


picxonix('cursorDir', dir);

dir - can be either:

  1. string - indicates the new direction, take one of the following values: 'left', 'right', 'up', 'down', 'stop'.
  2. array - position in cells (top/left) where the cursor movement should be directed toward.

Cursor Speed

Set the cursor speed rate to given value


picxonix('cursorSpeed', value);

Enemy Speed

Set enemy speed rate to given value


picxonix('enemySpeed', value);

Enemies Spawn

Introduce extra Warder object into the current level




PicXonix is released under the MIT License.