WARNING STATEMENT: This module is now considered legacy and should be used with newer webpack 3.x versions with caution due to possible bugs. Reconsider please to use webpack-dev-middleware instead. If you stillt want to use features like custom file system and bundle specific headers please consider to open new PR to the original middleware repo.
Module API | Configuration | Miscellaneous | Credits | License
Server middleware that manages your webpack compilation easily.
Complete overhaul of the official webpack-dev-middleware version powered by a support of multiple webpack configurations and some handy features leveraging basic functionality.
$ npm i --no-optional webpack-middware
$ npm i --no-optional hinell/webpack-middware # latest version
, Middware = require('webpack-middware')
, app = require('express')();
app.use((middware = new Middware({
// webpack compiler is REQUIRED (except when you have passed it early by first argument)
compiler : new Webpack({ entry: ... , output: , plugins: [...] }),
publicPath :'/public' // [default - '/']
, headers : {// headers to be send along with script bundle
, 'Cache-control': 'max-age=0' // common header to be sent with every bundle response
, files :{ // bundle specific headers
// headers to be sent for 'vendor' bundle request
'vendor': { 'Cache-control': 'max-age=3600'}
, fs : new require('memory-fs') // specify in-memory or local file system [default - in memory]
, watch : {} // configure watch settings [see webpack watch settings]
// âš don't forget to provide the middleware callback to the .use()!
// Miscellaneous
middware.watching // access watching, undefined in lazy mode (lazy option is specified)
middware.watching.invalidate() // invalidate bundle
middware.fs // file system access
var middware = new Middware(compiler[, config]) // middware takes webpack compiler and optional config
var middware = new Middware(config) // the compiler is provided by config property { compiler }
middware.middleware // is of type of (req,res,next) server request listener (middleware)
.compiler - webpack compiler instance, this option is required
.fs - files system where compiled files are kept, by default it is equal to the require('fs')
.headers - {header: value} - serve headers along the response on each request to the webpack output bundle picked by name
.headers.files - {filename:{header: value}} - the same as .headers but only for a particular webpack output bundle
.filename - String - filename on which request middware starts compilation (lazy mode required)
.publicPath - String - by default '/'
.lazy - Boolean - activate lazy mode so middware compiles bundle by request, false by default
.error - Boolean - log errors, false by default
.debug - Boolean - log debug info, false by default
.quiet - Boolean - log no info about compilation, except errors and debug, false by default
Follow here for more options.
More info about webpack multiple configurations.