Supercharged Java access from Python.
>>> from scyjava import jimport
>>> System = jimport('java.lang.System')
>>> System.getProperty('java.version')
To pass parameters to the JVM, such as an increased max heap size:
>>> from scyjava import config, jimport
>>> config.add_option('-Xmx6g')
>>> Runtime = jimport('java.lang.Runtime')
>>> Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / 2**30
See the JPype documentation for all the gritty details on how this wrapping works.
>>> import sys
>>> sys.version_info
sys.version_info(major=3, minor=8, micro=5, releaselevel='final', serial=0)
>>> from scyjava import config, jimport
>>> config.endpoints.append('org.python:jython-slim:2.7.2')
>>> jython = jimport('org.python.util.jython')
>>> jython.main([])
Jython 2.7.2 (v2.7.2:925a3cc3b49d, Mar 21 2020, 10:12:24)
[OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (JetBrains s.r.o)] on java1.8.0_152-release
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import sys
>>> sys.version_info
sys.version_info(major=2, minor=7, micro=1, releaselevel='final', serial=0)
>>> from java.lang import System
>>> System.getProperty('java.version')
>>> from scyjava import config, jimport
>>> config.add_repositories({'scijava.public': ''})
>>> config.endpoints.append('net.imagej:imagej:2.1.0')
>>> ImageJ = jimport('net.imagej.ImageJ')
>>> ij = ImageJ()
>>> formula = "10 * (Math.cos(0.3*p[0]) + Math.sin(0.3*p[1]))"
>>> ArrayImgs = jimport('net.imglib2.img.array.ArrayImgs')
>>> blank = ArrayImgs.floats(64, 16)
>>> sinusoid = ij.op().image().equation(blank, formula)
>>> print(ij.op().image().ascii(sinusoid))
...,--++oooo++--,... ...,--++oooo++--,... ...,--++oooo++-,,...
..,--++++++--,.. ..,--++o+++--,.. .,,--++o+++--,..
..,,-++++++-,,. ..,,-++++++-,,. ..,--++++++-,,.
.,,--++++--,,. .,,--++++--,,. .,,--++++--,..
.,,--++++--,,. .,,-+++++--,,. .,,-+++++--,,.
..,--++++++--,.. ..,--++++++--,.. ..,--++++++-,,..
..,,-++oooo++-,,.. ..,,-++oooo++-,,.. ..,,-++ooo+++-,,..
See the jgo documentation for more about Maven endpoints.
>>> from scyjava import jimport
>>> HashSet = jimport('java.util.HashSet')
>>> moves = set(('jump', 'duck', 'dodge'))
>>> fish = set(('walleye', 'pike', 'trout'))
>>> jbirds = HashSet()
>>> for bird in ('duck', 'goose', 'swan'): jbirds.add(bird)
>>> jbirds.isdisjoint(moves)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'java.util.HashSet' object has no attribute 'isdisjoint'
>>> from scyjava import to_python as j2p
>>> j2p(jbirds).isdisjoint(moves)
>>> j2p(jbirds).isdisjoint(fish)
>>> squares = [n**2 for n in range(1, 10)]
>>> squares
[1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'stream'
>>> from scyjava import to_java as p2j
>>> p2j(squares).stream()
<java object ''>
>>> from scyjava import jimport
>>> HashSet = jimport('java.util.HashSet')
>>> jset = HashSet()
>>> pset = set((1, 2, 3))
>>> jset.addAll(pset)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: No matching overloads found for java.util.Set.addAll(set), options are:
public abstract boolean java.util.Set.addAll(java.util.Collection)
>>> from scyjava import to_java as p2j
>>> jset.addAll(p2j(pset))
>>> jset.toString()
'[1, 2, 3]'
>>> import scyjava
>>> help(scyjava)
Return whether the given data object is a Java object.
Obtain a Java class object.
:param data: The object from which to glean the class.
Supported types include:
A. Name of a class to look up, analogous to
B. A jpype.JClass object analogous to String.class;
C. A _jpype._JObject instance analogous to o.getClass().
:returns: A java.lang.Class object, suitable for use with reflection.
:raises TypeError: if the argument is not one of the aforementioned types.
Import a class from Java to Python.
:param class_name: Name of the class to import.
:returns: A pointer to the class, which can be used to
e.g. instantiate objects of that class.
Extract the Java-side stack trace from a Java exception.
Example of usage:
from scyjava import jimport
Integer = jimport('java.lang.Integer')
nan = Integer.parseInt('not a number')
except Exception as exc:
:param exc: The Java Throwable from which to extract the stack trace.
:returns: A multi-line string containing the stack trace, or empty string
if no stack trace could be extracted.
Return true iff a Java virtual machine (JVM) has been started.
Explicitly connect to the Java virtual machine (JVM). Only one JVM can
be active; does nothing if the JVM has already been started. Calling
this function directly is typically not necessary, because the first
time a scyjava function needing a JVM is invoked, one is started on the
fly with the configuration specified via the scijava.config mechanism.
:param options: List of options to pass to the JVM. For example:
['-Djava.awt.headless=true', '-Xmx4g']
Recursively convert a Python object to a Java object.
:param data: The Python object to convert.
Supported types include:
* str -> String
* bool -> Boolean
* int -> Integer, Long or BigInteger as appropriate
* float -> Float, Double or BigDecimal as appropriate
* dict -> LinkedHashMap
* set -> LinkedHashSet
* list -> ArrayList
:returns: A corresponding Java object with the same contents.
:raises TypeError: if the argument is not one of the aforementioned types.
to_python(data, gentle=False)
Recursively convert a Java object to a Python object.
:param data: The Java object to convert.
:param gentle: If set, and the type cannot be converted, leaves
the data alone rather than raising a TypeError.
Supported types include:
* String, Character -> str
* Boolean -> bool
* Byte, Short, Integer, Long, BigInteger -> int
* Float, Double, BigDecimal -> float
* Map -> (dict-like)
* Set -> (set-like)
* List -> (list-like)
* Collection ->
* Iterable ->
* Iterator ->
:returns: A corresponding Python object with the same contents.
:raises TypeError: if the argument is not one of the aforementioned types,
and the gentle flag is not set.
Registers a function to be called when the JVM starts (or immediately).
This is useful to defer construction of Java-dependent data structures
until the JVM is known to be available. If the JVM has already been
started, the function executes immediately.
:param f: Function to invoke when scyjava.start_jvm() is called.