
Strip HTML or XML tags from a string with Perl like PHP's strip_tags() does

Primary LanguagePerlOtherNOASSERTION

    HTML::StripTags - Strip HTML or XML tags from a string with Perl like
    PHP's strip_tags() does

     use HTML::StripTags qw(strip_tags);

     $string       = '<html>Hallo <u>beautiful</u> <a href="http://worldonline.com">world</a>!</html>';
     $allowed_tags = '<u><b>';

     print strip_tags( $string, $allowed_tags );

    HTML::StripTags provides the function strip_tags() that can strip all
    HTML or XML tags from a string except the given allowed tags. This is a
    Perl port of the PHP function strip_tags() based on PHP 5.3.3.

    Please note: As per <http://htmlpurifier.org/comparison#striptags> PHP's
    strip_tags() is a very basic and unsafe method, so it's strongly
    recommended not to use it for cleaning up user input! As HTML::StripTags
    uses the same state machine, the same applies to this module.

    A simple little state-machine to strip out html and php tags

    State 0 is the output state, state 1 means we are inside a normal html
    tag, state 2 means we are inside a php tag, state 3 means we are inside
    a "<!--", case 4 means we are inside the following JavaScript/CSS/etc.

    When an allow string is passed in we keep track of the string in state 1
    and when the tag is closed check it against the allow string to see if
    we should allow it.

     print strip_tags( $string, "<u><b><?php<?" );

     print strip_tags( $string, ('<u>', '<b>', '<?php', '<?') );

    Pass in state variable to allow a function like fgetss() to maintain
    state across calls to the function.
    Implement fgetss().

    Please report any bugs or feature requests to "<hinnerk at cpan.org>",
    or through the GitHub web interface at
    <http://github.com/hinnerk-a/perl-strip_tags/issues>. I will be
    notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your
    bug as I make changes.

    You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

        perldoc HTML::StripTags

    You can also look for information at:

    *   HTML::StripTags Homepage


    *   Code Repository on GitHub


    *   GitHub Issue Tracker


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    Hinnerk Altenburg, "<hinnerk at cpan.org>"

    Copyright (C) 2011 by Hinnerk Altenburg "<hinnerk at cpan.org>"

    This file is part of HTML::StripTags.

    HTML::StripTags is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system

    Terms of the Perl programming language system itself

    a) the GNU General Public License "perlgpl" as published by the Free
    Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later
    version, or

    b) the "Artistic License" "perlartistic"" which comes with this Kit.

    HTML::Strip, "How do I remove HTML from a string?" in perlfaq9,