
TypeScript boilerplate for a static website

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


TypeScript boilerplate for a static website


You need a package manager like npm or yarn and that's all!

Set up

git clone https://github.com/hinosxz/static-ts-boilerplate.git
cd static-ts-boilerplate
npm install


You can edit the index.html file for the content, the typescript files in the src directory and the styles in the styles directory. Once you're done, you can run yarn tsc and javascript will be built in a scripts directory that'll be called by the html file.

There's also a light server setup using concurrency that detects changes to your source code and refreshes your page automatically. To use this feature, simply run:

npm start


This boilerplate is configured to use eslint with typescript-eslint and prettier rules. You can configure your IDE for eslint to see errors and warnings and being able to automatically fix code on save.

To run eslint manually:

npm run lint