Telegram Bot

This Telegram bot allows you to send private messages to individual participants in a Telegram group and fetch the participant IDs of a group.


  • Send private messages to users using the /sendprivate command.
  • Fetch participant IDs of a group using the /getparticipants command.


  1. Create a new bot with the help of BotFather and obtain the bot token.

  2. Install the required Python packages:

    pip install python-telegram-bot
  3. Replace 'YOUR_BOT_TOKEN' in the file with your actual bot token.

  4. Run the bot script:

  5. Open the Telegram app and search for your bot by its username.

  6. Start a chat with your bot.

Sending Private Messages

To send a private message to a user:

/sendprivate <user_id> <message>

  • <user_id>: The ID of the user you want to send the message to.

  • <"message">: The content of the message you want to send.

  • Example: /sendprivate 123456789 Hello there!

Fetching Participant IDs

To fetch the participant IDs of a group:

/getparticipants <group_id>

  • <group_id>: The ID of the group you want to fetch participant IDs from.

  • Example: /getparticipants -123456789


To deploy the bot, you have several options:

  • Local Machine: Run the bot script on your local machine.
  • Cloud Hosting Platforms: Deploy the bot on platforms like Heroku, AWS, Google Cloud Platform, or Azure.
  • Server or VPS: Deploy the bot on a dedicated server or virtual private server (VPS).

Ensure that the bot script is running continuously to receive and respond to messages.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.