
Create Demo Todo Application using Flutter

Primary LanguageDart

Flutter Todo

ezgif com-resize


to-do list - Google Play Store

How to start

  1. Clone repository to your device
    $ git clone https://github.com/dev-hippo-an/flutter_todo.git
  2. Firebase project initialize. Visit Firebase Console and create your own project to run clone to-do list project.
  3. Install required tools
    $ firebase login
    $ dart pub global activate flutterfire_cli
  4. Configure firebase project on project terminal
    $ flutterfire configure  # tick android and ios

Or you can simply follow along steps on firebase official document

1.Project Outline

As beginner of Flutter and Dart, this project is stared to learn effectively Flutter and Dart. While working on this project, I tried to focus on what I needed and wanted to learn.

  1. Layout widgets without overflow
    • Understanding flutter widget and layout
  2. State management using Provider
    • Dependency injection with GetIt
    • State management with Provider
  3. Actively utilize firebase
    • Authentication with firebase auth
    • Data store with firebase firestore
    • File store with firebase storage

2. Main Features

Domain Feature Complete
User Email Login / Email Sign Up ✅ / ✅
Google Login / Google Sign Up ✅ / ✅
Persist User Data
Profile Update
profile photo pick
Category create / edit / delete / star ✅ / ✅ / ✅ / ✅
List State Management
hide & seen
Task create
realtime editing ⚠️(subtasks manual save)
temp delete / perm delete (infinity scroll) ✅ / ✅
star (infinity scroll)
Main Task List State Management
Calendar View Mark on Calendar
Calendar view
Selected date task list
Statics Task statics completed task
Share my statics

3. Dependencies