
fork from guidovanbiemen/laravel-whoops

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Whoops for Laravel 5

Unlike previous versions, Laravel 5 doesn't come with Whoops error handling out of the box. To get this awesome error handler back in Laravel 5, I created this package that hooks your application up with Whoops once again.


First open up a console in your project root and let composer fetch Whoops for you

composer require guidovanbiemen/laravel-whoops

Now go into your config/app.php and add the service provider:


Thats it! Enjoy your errors :)


Not seeing any difference? Either there was no error (hooray!) or you've got debugging disabled, which means laravel will (and should) not disclose any details regarding the error that has occurred.

To enable Whoops, open up your 'config/app.php' configuration file, find the debug setting and change it into true. As soon as you encounter an error, you should be able to tell the difference pretty easily.

What about AJAX requests?

Whenever an AJAX request triggers the error handler, it will be recognized and the so called PrettyPageHandler will be exchanged for a JsonResponseHandler that returns a JSON response that you can parse on the client side.


This integration package was created by Guido van Biemen, but of course credits for Whoops itself go where they are due: