Are you a ruby fan that can't stand CHEF? Do you need to configure some servers? or run some complex workflow? Zapt is a task based workflow DSL designed to keep it simple and stay out of your way.
Basic idea is require 'zapt' and writes some tasks. It will have task dependencies, remoting, parallelization and idempotence but for now it just runs stuff :immediately in the order expressed.
require 'zapt'
# install some packages
package do
names %w{emacs23 git libxml2-dev mysql-client}
# do some filesystem stuff
filesystem do
mkdir [
], mode:0755, owner:Zapt.user,
copy 'nginx.conf', '/etc/nginx/nginx.conf', mode:0655
# clone a repo
git do
repo '', working_dir:ENV['HOME']
# task in plain old ruby
ruby do
puts 'yoda'
# plain old ruby (no task)
puts 'luke'
You don't need a CLI or a server or databags or cookbooks or..., just a directory with your stuff and a bit of ruby that looks like the above. To exectue just run the ruby.
> rvmsudo ./tasks.rb