
ARIA implementation with Python

Primary LanguagePython


Caution! This package is NOT compatible with Python 2.x

ARIA implementation with Python

How to Install

  1. Download setup.py and ARIA folder.
  2. Open a terminal, move to the directory that files are downloaded and run
$ python setup.py install
  • Shortcut version for Windows Users
  1. Download a PyARIA-1.0.0.win32.exe.
  2. Run the PyARIA-1.0.0.win32.exe.

How to Use

import ARIA


from ARIA import *


  • ARIA_encryption(plain, key, bits)
    • Input
      1. plain: Plaintext. Nonnegative integer at most 128bits.
      2. key: Key value. Nonnegative integer at most bitsbits.
      3. bits: Number of bits of key. One of 128/192/256.
    • Output
    • Ciphertext. Nonnegative integer at most 128bits.
  • ARIA_decryption(cipher, key, bits)
    • Input
      1. cipher: Ciphertext. Nonnegative integer at most 128bits.
      2. key: Key value. Nonnegative integer at most bitsbits.
      3. bits: Number of bits of key. One of 128/192/256.
    • Output
      • Plaintext. Nonnegative integer at most 128bits.