
Hips Apple iOS SDK for mPOS (Miura M010 & M020) including a demo application.

Primary LanguageSwift

Hips Apple iOS SDK 0.9.9

Hips Apple iOS SDK is a library that provides the native In-App interaction of performing the Hips MPOS payment directly from an app on the iOS device.

Project Status

Supported terminals:

  • Miura M010
  • Miura M020

Supported payment schemes:

  • Cards: Visa, Mastercard, Unionpay, American Express, Diners, Discover

Supported reading methods:

  • Contact (online pin)
  • Contactless (online pin)
  • Mag swipe (online pin)
  • ApplePay
  • Google Pay (GPay)
  • Samsung Pay

Supported features

  • Online authorizations
  • Offline authorizations (deferred authorizations)
  • Offline transaction
  • Offline PIN
  • Online PIN
  • Tip (4 different flows)
  • Loyalty card reading (magnetic)
  • Refunds/Reversals
  • Capture
  • Localization
  • Remote Key Injection (RKI)
  • Remote firmware update
  • Remote parameter update

Change log

Version Description Date
0.9.9 Updated error responses

| 0.9.8 | Updated for new iOS version support and new signature support. Changed HipsSDK class to Hips for future Swift version compatibility

| 0.9.7 | Build for new iOS version.

| 0.9.6 | Bug fixes.

| 0.9.5 | Hips UI closes when transaction ends with annimation. Bug fixes.

| 0.9.4 | Updated currency handling and bug fixes

| 0.9.3 | Bug fixes

| 0.9.2 | Bug fixes

| 0.9.1 | Bug fixes and payment flow updates

| 0.9.0 | Pre-release version | 2021-04-22 |

Demo app

This git repository contains a demo app for development reference. If you need test cards and test terminals, they can be ordered here: Hips Store

Installation steps

  • Download HipsSDK.framework
  • Drag and drop HipsSDK.framework to your project in XCode.
  • Go to your project target at Build Phases.
  • Add `HipsSDK.framework to Link Binary With Libraries.
  • Set the Status in Link Binary With Libraries to Required
  • Go to your project General tab.
  • Add HipsSDK.framework to Framework, Libraries, and Embedded Content
  • Set the Embed value in the Framework, Libraries, and Embeddfed Content to Embed & Sign

App Info.plist entries

	<string>Needed for payment</string>



Integration checklist

Please make sure you tick all on this integration checklist to be Hips Certified.

  • Make sure you pass any reference for the payment in the reference parameter or as meta data.
  • Make sure the data is passed to the server by logging in to the Hips dashboard and look in the API logs
  • If you get requiresParameterDownload = true in the response object you must run Hips.update() function as soon as possible to make sure the terminal is up to date.
  • Before any transaction is performed, an activation must take place. It can be done via settings or by running `Hips.activate().
  • Before activation can take place, the device must be bluetooth paired.
  • Do not delete the app if you have stored offline transactions (requiresTransactionUpload) before they are posted to Hips.


Hips Settings

The SDK provides a UI to handle terminal settings. Launch Hips Settings by calling Hips.deviceSettings().

Select Default terminal

Make sure you have paired your Terminal with your iOS device. You do this via your Bluetooth settings. IMPORTANT: Your can only see paired terminals in Hips Settings Device selection

Once your Default Device is saved, the SDK will make all connections to this device until the Default Device is changed. This allows you to have multiple terminals paired.

Activate terminal

Following are the steps to activate a terminal on a device.
IMPORTANT: Make sure the terminal has external power and is recently rebooted before continuing with activation.

  1. Launch Hips Settings and press ACTIVATE
  2. If your terminal was pre-added in your merchant account, SKIP step 3, 4 and 5.
  3. Upon receiving receiving your activation code, add it with you merchant account on https://activate.hips.com
  4. Follow the instructions on hips.com and activate your terminal
  5. Return to your app and the terminal will continue with the activation process
  6. Once the activation completes, your device will be able to make authorized request to Hips API

Inject keys

Add encryption keys to your terminal IMPORTANT: Make sure the terminal has external power and is recently rebooted before continuing with injection.

  1. Launch Hips Settings and press INJECT KEYS

Parameter updates

Update terminal with new software, parameters and merchant settings. IMPORTANT: Make sure the terminal has external power and is recently rebooted before continuing with updates.

  1. Launch Hips Settings and press CHECK UPDATES

Forget terminal

To deactivate your device, follow the instructions on Hips Settings by selecting Forget terminal.

IMPORTANT: You will not be able to make any authorized requests after this action. A new activation process must be launched, read above.

Make EMV Payment

The SDK interacts by receiving and returning Request and Result types.

  • Requires: Default Device, TerminalApiKeyAuth
  • Request: HipsPaymentRequest
  • Result: Bool
  • Delegate for payment response: HipsPaymentFlowDelegate implement func paymentFlowFinished(_ result: HipsTransactionResult)

To make a new payment, create your HipsPaymentRequest body.

Parameter Description Type
amountInCents This is the amount with vat/tax, but without tip and cashback. We express amounts in minor units according to the ISO 4217 standard. That means they are expressed in the smallest unit of currency. Examples are USD with 1000 representing $10, GBP with 500 representing £5, EUR with 50 representing €0.50 and SEK with 100 representing 1kr.
cashbackInCents This is the cashback amount.
cashierToken This field is reserved for HIPS Optional
currencyIso We use the ISO 4217 standard for defining currencies.
employeeNumber This is a reference so you know which employee the tips belongs to or who initiated the transaction.
isOfflinePayment By enabling offline payments, the SDK will store the transactions until uploaded to HIPS servers. If network connection is available, the SDK will attempt to upload the offline transaction batch will automatically. To do this manually, read section Offline Batch upload via SDK API
isTestMode LIVE or TEST mode selected
metadata1 Your metadata 1 for order (max 255 characters) Optional
metadata2 Your metadata 2 for order (max 255 characters) Optional
reference Your reference for this transaction. This reference will pass through in the transaction chain all the way to the card issuer.
tipFlowType Select gratuity type; NONE, ASK, TOP, TOP_CENT
transactionType Select transaction type; PURCHASE, PREAUTHORIZATION, CAPTURE
vatInCents This is the vat/tax amount. This amount is part of net_amount.
webHook URL - Webhook URL where HIPS will post all events related to this order Optional

Payment Requests

Pass your HipsPaymentRequest along with your view controller (self assuming the implementation is inside the view controller) to start a new HipsUI Payment session. result will return true if the payment is initiated succesfully.

    let myReq = HipsPaymentRequest(amountInCents: 100, vatInCents: 0, cashbackInCents: 0, reference: "This is a test payment", currencyISO: "GBP", tipFlowType:  HipsTipType.none, transactionType: HipsTransactionType.purchase, isOfflinePayment: false, isTestMode: true)
    let result = Hips.pay(self, payment: myReq)

Payment Results

A payment session always completes by returning HipsTransactionResult.
Check status for approved or declined transactions in HipsTransactionResult, all available parameters are listed below:

Parameter Description Type
aid Application Identifier (AID) – terminal. Identifies the application as described in ISO/IEC 7816-5
amountCashback This is the cashback amount. We express amounts in minor units according to the ISO 4217 standard. That means they are expressed in the smallest unit of currency. Examples are USD with 1000 representing $10, GBP with 500 representing £5, EUR with 50 representing €0.50 and SEK with 100 representing 1kr.
amountCurrencyCode Authorization Amount currency. ISO 4217 standard for defining currencies.
amountGratuity Tip amount, if any. We express amounts in minor units according to the ISO 4217 standard.
amountTransaction Authorization amount. We express amounts in minor units according to the ISO 4217 standard.
authorizationCode Card authorization code
authorizationMethod ONLINE or OFFLINE
cardFingerprint Unique fingerprint of the card across multiple merchants. Used to identify the specific card for bonus purposes.
createdAt DateTime when this transaction was created in the system
errorCode Reason code for declines (see reference)
errorMessage Reason message
merchantAddressLine1 Merchant location street address line 1
merchantAddressLine2 Merchant location street address line 2
merchantCity Merchant location City
merchantCompanyNumber Merchant Legal Business Number
merchantCountry Merchant location country code. ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2
merchantId Merchant ID for the merchant
merchantLatitude Latitude
merchantLongitude Longitude
merchantName Merchant Legal Business Name
merchantPhone Merchant location phone number in international format
merchantRegion Merchant region
merchantTaxVatNumber Merchant V.A.T or Tax ID
receiptData Formatted receipt data
receiptInfo Application Cryptogram - Cryptogram returned by the ICC in response of the GENERATE AC command
requiresParameterDownload Required terminal parameters are available for download
requiresTransactionUpload Offline transactions are batched and ready for upload
responder HIPS or SDK response code
sdkCode Internal SDK code
softwareVersion SDK version
source Funding source used. Can be card, invoice, part_payment, swift, bitcoin, swish or paypal
sourceAccountMasked Masked Card PAN
sourceApplicationName Application Label - Mnemonic associated with the AID according to ISO/IEC 7816-5
sourceMethod Transaction Source Method - can be purchase, refund, chargeback, credit, deprecated_void, chargeback_representation
sourceName Card Holder Name
sourceScheme Transaction Source Scheme - can be visa, mastercard, amex, unionpay, etc
statusCode Transaction Status Code - according to DE 39 in ISO 8583. For all successful transactions the response code is set to ‘00’. All other response codes indicate an error condition.
taxVat Vat/tax amount
terminalID Terminal ID
test Test mode enabled
transactionApproved True if EMV status is SUCCESSFUL or AUTHORIZED
transactionCancelled True if user canceled
transactionID Payment ID (store this for later referral to this payment. i.e for HipsTransactionRequest.Capture or HipsTransactionRequest.Refund
transactionShortId ID (unique for merchant) for this order, also known as Humanized Token
transactionStatus SUCCESSFUL or FAILED
transactionType HipsTransactionRequest type used
tsi Transaction Status Info
tvr Terminal Verification Result
verificationMethod Transaction CVM
    extension MyController : HipsPaymentFlowDelegate {
        func paymentFlowFinished(_ result: HipsTransactionResult) {

Refund Payment

The SDK interacts by receiving and returning Request and Result types.

  • Requires: Default Device
  • Request: HipsRefundRequest
  • Result: HipsTransactionResult

To make a new Refund, create your HipsRefundRequest body.

A refund on an authorized payment (not captured) will result in an automatic reversal/void of the whole authorization. Also note that on POS transactions, all transactions (even purchases marked with direct capture) will be in authorized state for 10 minutes before they move over to successful state (captured). Should you do a refund during this 10 minute period, the authorization will be voided. You can refund a maximum amount of the original transaction. If you don't specify the amount; the whole transaction will be refunded. You can only refund if there are funds available on your merchant account.

Parameter Description Type
amountInCents This is the amount with vat/tax, but without tip and cashback. We express amounts in minor units according to the ISO 4217 standard. That means they are expressed in the smallest unit of currency. Examples are USD with 1000 representing $10, GBP with 500 representing £5, EUR with 50 representing €0.50 and SEK with 100 representing 1kr.
transactionId Payment ID, received from a Payment request
isTestMode Test mode enabled

Refund Requests

Pass your HipsRefundRequest along with your view controller to Hips.refund() to start a new HipsUI Refund session.

    let refundRequest = HipsRefundRequest(amountInCents:  100, transactionId: "1234567890", isTest: true)
    Hips.refund(self, refundRequest) { result in

Refund Results

A Refund completion closure always completes by returning HipsTransactionResult.
Check status for approved or declined transactions in HipsTransactionResult, all available parameters and results are listed above under Payment.

Capture Payment

The SDK interacts by receiving and returning Request and Result types.

  • Requires: Default Device, TerminalApiKeyAuth
  • Request: HipsCaptureRequest
  • Result: HipsTransactionResult

To make a new payment, create your HipsCaptureRequest body.

You can capture a maximum amount of the original transaction. If you want to capture a higher amount than the authorized amount; then we recommend you to refund (reverse) the original authorization and make a new authorization with the higher amount. Incremental authorizations are not yet supported byt the SDK.

Parameter Description Type
amountInCents This is the amount with vat/tax, but without tip and cashback. We express amounts in minor units according to the ISO 4217 standard. That means they are expressed in the smallest unit of currency. Examples are USD with 1000 representing $10, GBP with 500 representing £5, EUR with 50 representing €0.50 and SEK with 100 representing 1kr.
transactionId Payment ID, received from a Payment request
isTestMode Test mode enabled

Capture Requests

Pass your HipsCaptureRequest along with your view controller instance to Hips.capture() to start a new HipsUI Payment session.

    let refundRequest = HipsRefundRequest(amountInCents:  100, transactionId: "1234567890", isTest: true)

    Hips.refund(self, refundRequest) { result in

Capture Results

A Capture session always completes by returning HipsTransactionResult.
Check status for approved or declined transactions in HipsTransactionResult, all available parameters and results are listed above under Payment.

Make Non Payments - Loyalty cards

Launch a mag swipe session by calling Hips.loyalty(). Provide a text string to display on your terminal. The SDK interacts by receiving and returning Request and Result types.


The BIN (first 6 digits) of the non-payment card that you want to read via this function must be pre-registered as a non-payment BIN. Non registered BINs will not return any track data. To register a non-payment BIN, please email a proof that this BIN is owned by you to support@hips.com

  • Requires: Default Device
  • Request: HipsNonPaymentRequest
  • Result: HipsNonPaymentMagSwipeResult

Non Payment Mag Swipe Requests

    let request = HipsNonPaymentRequest(with: "Please swipe card")
    Hips.loyalty(self, transaction: request, requestCode: 123) { (result) in

Non Payment Mag Swipe Results

A payment session always completes by returning HipsNonPaymentMagSwipeResult.
Check status for approved or declined transactions in HipsNonPaymentMagSwipeResult, all available parameters are listed below:

Parameter Description Type
createdAt DateTime when this transaction was created in the system
errorCode Reason code for declines (see reference)
errorMessage Reason message
softwareVersion SDK version
track1 Magnetic Stripe Track 1
track2 Magnetic Stripe Track 2
track3 Magnetic Stripe Track 3

Offline Batch Upload via HipsSDK

Trigger manual offline batch uploads by in invoking Hips.offlineUpload(). This will upload any existing offline transactions stored in the SDK

  • Requires: TerminalApiKeyAuth
  • Result: HipsOfflineTransactionResult
Parameter Description Type
accepted List of accepted transactionIDs
rejected List of rejected transactionIDs
accepted_count Number of accepted transactions
rejected_count Number of rejected transactions

Trigger Offline Batch Upload

    Hips.offlineUpload(self) { (offlineUploadResponse) in
        guard let response = offlineUploadResponse else
            print("Error uploading transactions, please try again later...")
        print("Offline upload accepted \(response.acceptedCount) and rejeted \(response.rejectedCount)")

Terminal Activation via HipsSDK

Launch Activation UI by in invoking Hips.activate(). Select a paired device and start the activation process. Read more about the steps involved in section Hips Settings - Activate terminal

  • Result: Bool

Returns true if the process is initated successfully

Trigger Terminal Activation

        print("Unable to load Hips update flow")

Terminal Activation results

extension MyViewController : HipsUpdateFlowDelegate {
    func updateFlowFinished(_ serial : String, _ success: Bool) {
       print("Activation/Update finished with:\(success)")


Terminal Parameter Update via HipsSDK

Launch Parameter Update UI by in invoking Hips.update(). The SDK will attempt to connect to your Default Device. Read more about the steps involved in section Hips Settings - Parameter updates

  • Requires: Default Device,
  • Result: Bool

Returns true if the process is initiated successfully

Trigger Terminal Parameter Update


Terminal Parameter Update results

extension MyViewController : HipsUpdateFlowDelegate {
    func updateFlowFinished(_ serial : String, _ success: Bool) {
       print("Activation/Update finished with:\(success)")


Response, Decline and Error Codes

Find all response codes at Hips Docs. Below are SDK specific error codes listed:

Code Reason
DEFAULT_TERMINAL_NOT_FOUND_ERROR SDK functions that required a terminal are invoked without a paired default device set.
TERMINAL_COMMUNICATION_ERROR SDK cannot establish a connection to a terminal.
CANCELLED_BY_USER User cancel a session.
BLUETOOTH_DISABLED Bluetooth adapter is turned off.
PARTIAL_REFUND_ERROR Offline refunds require full amount.