
Bulma pagination as a react component.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


code style: prettier CircleCI npm npm

Bulma pagination as a react component.

Make sure to include the bulma css in the head of your document!


yarn add bulma-pagination-react


To start using the pagination component all you need to do is provide how many pages there are and what page the user is on. All other properties are optional

import React from 'react';
import Pagination from 'bulma-pagination-react';

const POSTS_PER_PAGE = 10;

const Pager = ({ posts, currentPage, perPage = POSTS_PER_PAGE }) => {
  const pages = Math.ceil(posts.length / perPage);

  return (
      onChange={page => console.log(`/blog?page=${page}`)}

export default Pager;


Function called when a button or page link is clicked. The only argument supplied to the function is the new page number.


Modify how many page elements are visible in the pagination component. Defaults to 1.


bulma-pagination-react has classes that effect all elements in the component.

  • className: ClassName for the wrapper
  • prevClassName: ClassName for the previous button
  • nextClassName: ClassName for the next button
  • linkClassName: ClassName for each page link
  • listClassName: ClassName for the list of page links