
Primary LanguageTypeScript

474 Final Mock Canvas

Auth Module (/auth)

Tech Stack:

  • Node.js
  • PostgreSQL

ENV Variables:

POSTGRES_URL: PG connection string

DB_NAME: Name of the PG DB, preferably auth

JWT_SECRET: A random string, must be kept consistent with JWT_SECRET at other services

PORT: Usually set by GCP

Initial DB Setup:

You will need to run yarn install and setup mikro-orm.config.ts with the correct db config. After that, run yarn mikro-orm migration:up

Course / Enrollment Modules (/course & /enrollment)

Tech Stack:

  • Node.js
  • GCP Datastore

ENV Variables:

DB_NAME: Name of the GCP DB, preferably course / enrollment

NODE_ENV: Set to production if prod

JWT_SECRET: A random string, must be kept consistent with JWT_SECRET at other services

PORT: Usually set by GCP

Initial DB Setup:

Not required, GCP will auto populate


Tech Stack:

  • Node.js (Next.js)

ENV Variables:

NEXT_PUBLIC_AUTH_URL / NEXT_PUBLIC_COURSE_URL / NEXT_PUBLIC_ENROLLMENT_URL: API endpoints of the 3 microservices, these are required

NODE_ENV: Set to production if prod

PORT: Usually set by GCP

Note about build:

It is better to build on docker container on your local machine (with production env) and then push to your docker hub before deploying, since docker has some issues detecting build args