
dockerfile for the ProteinDF develop environment

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A Dockerfile to build the ProteinDF

  • Usage

The Docker image is prepared at Docker HUB.

$ docker pull hiracchi/pdf-builder

Then, execute the following script, which is included as "run-pdftest.sh", after you set the ProteinDF source code at the current directory. You may get ProteinDF execution files in the /opt/ProteinDF directory in the container.



docker rm -f ${PDF_RUNNER} 2>&1 > /dev/null
docker run -d --name ${PDF_RUNNER} -v "${PWD}:/work" hiracchi/pdf-builder
docker exec -it ${PDF_RUNNER} pdf-py-setup.sh --work /tmp --branch develop
docker exec -it ${PDF_RUNNER} pdf-builder.sh -o /tmp/pdf
docker exec -it ${PDF_RUNNER} pdf-check.sh --branch develop serial_dev