
An Arena Sport open-source Flutter challenge.

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT

How to Install

  1. Clone the repository, and run flutter pub get within the cloned directory in cmd.
  2. Open the server folder, and run npm install within the directory in cmd.
  3. In the same server folder, run npm start in cmd. This starts the NodeJS GraphQL middle layer.
  4. Open a new terminal, and run the ipconfig command. Copy the IPv4 address (this is local to your LAN network).
  5. Within the cloned Arena directory, navigate to Arena/lib/client.dart. Here, edit the URI of the HttpLink from to http://{YOUR URI FROM STEP 4}:4000/. (This is extremely important because android emulator does not understand the meaning of localhost.)
  6. Finally, navigate to the lib/ folder and type flutter run. The app should be working.

If you have any questions about this process, please contact Mihir Thanekar at mihirthanekar@gmail.com.

Arena Sport

Arena Sport open-source Flutter challenge.
Earn your chance to become a permanent member or external collaborator of Arena Sport, the new upcoming official ecosystem for sports.


Some screens that will help you.

Main Page Stats Page


All of the following requirements must to be fully functional.

  • Home page, consuming the endpoint.
  • Stats page, consuming the endpoint.
  • And make some magic ✨


  • Fork the repository and clone it to your local machine
  • Create a branch with your name and make it the default one.
  • Make your changes and create a pull request.

DON'T FORGET TO PUSH YOUR CODE BEFORE SEP 13 12PM GMT. We will be announcing the results on Monday 14.


You must use our GraphQL endpoint that can be found here. Therefore, you can use any API you want to retrieve the sport news. (example)


This project is under the MIT License.
Feel free to submit issues or create pull requests.