
Demonstration of back-propagation for the undergrad ML class that I TAed [Archived]

Primary LanguagePython

If you have a question, please contact me at hiranumn@cs.washington.edu

Logistic Regression and Neural Networks using SGD

In this assignment you are performing binary classification on handwritten digits data from MNIST database using logisitc regression and neural nets.

Here are some webpages that might help you understand the material, in addition to the lecture slides/notes you can find under our course website.

First get the assignment by running:

git clone https://github.com/hiranumn/LR_NN_via_SGD
cd LR_NN_via_SGD

What you will see in the folder:

  • test.py contains unit tests to check your implementation.
  • sgd.py contains functions that train logsitic regression and neural net models using SGD. You will be submitting this file.
  • data.py contains helper functions that load the MNIST data. Do NOT modify this file.

Download mnist.zip from the course website and extract it to the same folder.

You are required to use Python 2.7 and Numpy for vectorizing your calculations. It is strongly recommended that you avoid using forloops as much as possible for matrix calculations. If you have not installed Numpy, Annaconda offers Python 2.7 distribution with various scientific packages including Numpy.

Step 1: Implementing logistic() [5 pts]

In sgd.py, you will find an empty function called logistic(). The logistic() function should take in a Numpy matrix of floats and apply a logistic function f(x)=1/(1+e^-x) elementwise. The output should be a numpy matrix with size equal to that of the input. Here is the Wikipedia page for logistic functions if you are not clear on what they are. Fill in logistic().

Step 2: Implementing accuracy() [5 pts]

We need a way to measure the performance of your model. The accuracy() function will do this for you.
It takes the following arguments:

  • data: a Python list of datapoints.
  • predictions: a Python list of 1 by 1 Numpy matrices containing your predictions.

Let us first start by explaining the structure of a datapoint. We represent a datapoint as a 2-element dictionary. The first key label is mapped to a matrix for the true label, and the second key features is mapped to a 1 by d matrix representing the features for the datapoint.

Yes, it is a bit strange that predictions is a list of 1 by 1 matrices, but this will make it easier to extend logistic regression to neural nets later in this assignment. Given data and predictions, accuracy() simply computes (# correct predictions)/(# predictions made) and outputs it as a float. Fill in accuracy().

Step 3: Implementing logistic regression as a single layer NN

In this section, you will be implementing logistic regression as a single layer neural net with a single output.

Let us start by explaining the model class. Upon instantiation, the model class takes in a Python list of integers indicating the structure of a neural net. The first element of the list indicates the number of inputs, and the last element of the list indicates the number of nodes in the output layer. Any number in the middle indicates the number of nodes in a hidden layer. Let me give you some examples.

  • [13, 1] indicates that this is a single layer neural net with 13 inputs and 1 output. Given that we are using logistic activation function, this is exactly equal to logistic regression model with 13 features.
  • [10, 4, 3, 3] indicates that there are 10 inputs. This is followed by the first hidden layer with 4 nodes and the second hidden layer with 3 nodes. Finally, there is an output layer with 3 nodes.

For now, you can assume that the model is always a single layer NN with a single output. So the argument to the constructor is always [x,1], where x is the number of features in a data point.

The model class stores a list of weight matrices, weights, where the i th matrix corresponds to the weight matrix for the (i+1) th layer. For instance, if you have [M1, M2, M3], the 0th matrix M1 corresponds to the weight matrix for the 1st hidden layer. The last matrix is always the weight matrix for the output layer. Again, we assume a single layer neural network with a single output for now. Therefore, weights is a length 1 Python list of d by 1 matrix, which corresponds to the weights for the output layer.

The model class also stores a list of bias terms, bias. This is structured very similar to weights. For instance, let us say that you have bias = [M1, M2]. Then, M1 corresponds to the bias terms for the first hidden layer M2 corresponds to the bias terms for the last layer. Again, since we are first implementing logistic regression, you can assume that this is always [np.matrix(b)] where b is a float.

The model constructor is already implemented for you. You do not have to change the constructor.

Step 3.1: Implementing predict() [5 pts]

The predict() function takes in a datapoint and uses the current weight matrices and bias terms to make a prediction.

Given a feature vector x, your prediction should be

Prediction = P(y=True| W,x,b) = logistic(dot(x,W)+b)

where W is the d by 1 matrix in weights of the current model, b is the bias vector bias, and x is the 1 by d matrix for the features of a datapoint.

The output should be in the form of a 1 by 1 matrix; e.g. np.matrix(output). Again, this seems like a strange way to store an output. However, this make it easier to extend your model to a general neural net later. Fill in predict(). Your predict() function only needs to work for the logistic regression case for now.

Step 3.2: Implementing update() [15 pts]

Stochastic gradient descent works by making a stochastic approximation of the true gradient of an objective function.

Our approximation for the loss function is as follows:

Loss = -1*ln(P(y|W,x,b)) + 0.5*lambda*||W||^2 

where lambda is a regularization constant.
Then, the partial gradient with respect to W_i becomes

lambda * W_i - x_i * (y - P(y=True| W,x,b))

Thus, the update rule for gradient descent becomes:

w_i <-- w_i - eta *( lambda * w_i - x_i * (y - P(y=True| W,x,b)) )

The update() function takes 4 arguments:

  • eta: a learning rate. This is a float
  • lam: a regularization constant lambda. This is a float.
  • delta: a length 1 Python list containing a 1 by 1 Numpy matrix of (y - P(y=True| W,x,b)).
  • a: a length 1 Python list containing a 1 by d Numpy matrix of the feature values of a datapoint.

Fill in update(). Remember to update self.bias as well.

Step 3.3: Implementing train() [10 pts]

The train() function performs stochastic gradient descent to optimize your model. For each iteration, it randomly samples one datapoint with replacement, approximates the true gradients, and updates weights via update(). The function takes 4 arguments.

  • data: a list of data points
  • epochs:   the number of epochs to run. An epoch refers to a full pass over the dataset. This means that if you run the algorithm for 5 epochs, you call the update() function 5*N times, where N is the number of data points.
  • lam: a regularization constant.
  • eta: a learning rate.

Fill in the train() function.

Step 3.4: Tuning your logistic regression model [20 pts]

Now that your have all functions implemented for logistic regression, you can train your model on the MNist data. The logistic_regression() function trains your logistic regression model on handwritten 3s and 5s. Do you get validation accuracy over 90%? If not, you might want to debug your implementation. Try other pairs of integers if you are interested.

The regularization constant lam is currently at 0.00001, and eta is at 0.05. Tweek lam, eta, and epochs to obtain better validation accuracy. Often it is a good idea to start with a high learning rate and decrease it over time.

Your model will be trained on the full training data (3 vs 5) and run on test data you do not have access to. Your grade for this section will partially depend on the performance of your model on the test data. Make sure your code completes in under 5 minutes for the data you currently have. You will receive 0 point for this section otherwise.

Step 4: Extending logistic regression to Neural Nets

So far, we have implemented logistic regression as a single layer neural net with a single output and a logistic activation function. In this section, we will extend our model to a more general multi-layer neural net.

The basis of learning a neural net is the same as that of logistic regression. We will simply calculate a partial gradient with respect to each weight and optimize the weight via gradient ascent (or descent). The calculation of the partial derivatives are performed by the algorithm called backpropagation. The details of the algorithm can be found in the lecture notes or here.

Step 4.1: Implementing feedforward() [10 pts]

We will start by implementing the feedforward step of the backpropagation algorithm. The feedforward() function takes in a datapoint and propagates the input signals towards the output layer. The function outputs a Python list of Numpy matrices, which represent input values and postsynaptic activation values for nodes in non-input layers. We will call this output list a.

Let us give you an example. Suppose we have a 3-layer neural net, and our a is

a=[M0, M1, M2, Mn]

M0 is exactly equal to the features of an input datapoint. M1 stores the postsynaptic activation values for the first layer, which can be obtained by combining W and M0. Mn represents the postsynaptic activation for the output layer. This is equal to the prediction of your model given the input datapoint. Notice that these matrices can be calculated dynamically, and you are strongly recommended to do so. You are also advised to use Numpy matrix calculations whenever you can, since Python for-loops are sometimes too costly.

Fill in feedforward(). Also, modify predict() so that it uses the last matrix of a as a prediction.

Step 4.2: Implementing backpropagate() [10 pts]

In this section, we are implementing the backward step of the backpropagation function. The backpropagate() function takes 2 arguments:

  • a: the output of feedforward().
  • label: the true label for an input datapoint.

The objective of this functions is to calculate an error term for each node in non-input layer. The error term of a node n is the partial derivative of the likelihood function L with respect to its PRE-synaptic value. We are approximating L by a single point. Thus,

L = 1*ln(P(y|W,x,b)) - 0.5*lambda*||W||^2 

The error values are stored in a form similar to a, and we will call this delta. Here is an example:

delta = [M1, M2, ... , Mn]

Mn is the error terms for the nodes in the output layer. Similarly, M1 is the error terms for the nodes in the 1st hidden layer.
Fill in backpropagate()

Step 4.3: Modifying update() [10 pts]

Your current update() function only works for a single layer case.

The update() function takes 4 arguments:

  • a: output of feedforward()
  • delta: output of backpropagate()
  • lam: a regularization constant lambda.
  • rate: a learning rate

Modify the update() function so that it updates the weights for all layers and the bias terms. Also, change the train() function so that it uses feedforward(), backpropagate(), and the new update() function.

Step 4.3: Evaluating your neural net model [10 pts]

Your neural network model is now ready for trained by the function neural_net(). For a starter, create a single layer neural net with a single output. Again, this should be exactly equal to logistic regression. Although the performance varies due to the stochastic nature of SGD, your accuracy should be very similar to that of your earlier implementation. If not, you might have a bug in your code.

Now let's add a single hidden layer with 15 nodes. Does it improve the performance?

Try different numbers of hidden nodes/layers to improve your model as much as you can. Your model will be trained on the full training data (3 vs 5) and run on test data you do not have access to. Your grade for this section will partially depend on the performance of your model on the test data. Make sure your code completes in under 5 minutes for the data you currently have. You will receive 0 point for this section otherwise.

Step 5: Submission

Submit your sgd.py to cataylst.