RForcecom provides the connection to Force.com and Salesforce.com from R
- 0
Encoding issue with rforcecom.create() in shinyapp
#74 opened by maxcnt - 0
- 8
getObjectDescription problems with some objects
#65 opened by akiraFuk - 0
Not able to update null value using rforcecom update function in RForcecom package
#72 opened by ghareesh - 5
Strings returned as factors
#21 opened by ax42 - 22
EOF within quoted string error
#59 opened by mwolfe07 - 0
#71 opened by mcterrien - 5
Error in getObjectDescription
#3 opened by hiratake55 - 0
Doesn't accept accented characters in queries.
#69 opened by jpilorget - 2
Invalid SSO Gateway URL
#63 opened by NoahH47 - 2
UNABLE_TO_LOCK_ROW unable to obtain exclusive access to this record or 1 records
#67 opened by jackdserna - 0
Service Timeout
#66 opened by sudhakar-valgen - 9
Is speed an issue?
#18 opened by ax42 - 0
SSO(Okta) connection
#64 opened by aupperk24 - 0
- 0
rforcecom.login Log In Using the SOAP API
#61 opened by AKitsche - 15
Feature Request: Bulk insert / update of records
#32 opened by 3vivekb - 1
- 1
Salesforce will disable TLS 1.0 in July!!!
#60 opened by nicw4ves - 1
Query Record Types in R
#58 opened by mbhfromla-zz - 0
Issue with Query Parsing
#55 opened by StevenMMortimer - 8
- 1
Count() in SOQL Returning Null
#41 opened by Btibert3 - 1
rforcecom.query for OpportunityFieldHistory
#45 opened by B2Silva - 1
CSV forcing in rforcecom.createBulkJob prevents attachment upload in Document object
#50 opened by richardjwood - 1
How to export data from an Object?
#47 opened by vibhuthk - 1
- 6
How to use queryMore
#49 opened by samuel-pt - 3
- 1
- 13
Unable to login: TLS 1.0 has been disabled in this organization. Please use TLS 1.1 or higher when connecting to Salesforce using https.
#42 opened by akananth1729 - 4
Feature Request: write null values
#39 opened by sckaiser - 1
Query now returning factor instead of num
#38 opened by jimclemens - 5
Login problem using RForcecom Sanbox Environment
#36 opened by jugadupa - 12
rforcecom.query SOQL rbind.fill issue
#23 opened - 1
Login error
#29 opened by swulach - 1
- 2
- 1
Recent error during queries
#11 opened by kng229 - 6
Speedup/refactor proposal for rforcecom.query
#22 opened by ax42 - 5
Feature Request
#16 opened by Btibert3 - 1
- 8
Error in rforcecom.query()
#5 opened by ampu3ro - 6
Duplicate Subscripts for columns
#15 opened by 3vivekb - 1
Retrieving Large data-volumes (1M+)
#13 opened by StanislavBG - 1
Custom field name error during UPDATE
#10 opened by fabvene - 0
Login problem using RForcecom
#9 opened by ankurverm - 4
Null values on lookups return name of object
#7 opened by gnilrets - 2
- 2
Handle paginated query responses
#2 opened by cwarden