UI Engineer Pairing Assessment

To get a feel for how you build UI, we'd like to you approach a problem which demonstrates your understanding of design, HTML, CSS, accessibility and JavaScript.

Our short timeframe will probably not allow you to code as if it were production-ready, however, we'd like you to demonstrate the thought processes and implementation details required assuming you were building this for production.

While there are small-screen and wider-screen layout designs provided for the task, it's important to note that they are simply design suggestions. No colours or sizes will be provided, because part of being a great UI Engineer is your "feel" for UI design and system design as a whole. You're free to implement or suggest changes that you feel creates a better experience.

To complete the task, you can choose to use either React or Vue. We would encourage you to scaffold a new project with Create React App or Vue CLI before the pairing to ensure you can start writing code straight away. Make sure you include any dependencies you intend to use, such as Sass.


We'd like you to create a typical responsive header and navigation menu.

See task-1.png for a suggested design approach.


  • On narrow screens, the header will consist of a logo and "hamburger" button.
  • Upon pressing the hamburger, the navigation menu will open, which lists the various options.
  • On wider screens, the menu options are visible by default and right-aligned within the width-constrained header.
  • When a user has shown intent to activate a particular item, it should be indicated as such.
  • Use the provided SVGs in /assets/images for the logos and icons.

The menu options are:

  • Dashboard
  • Search
  • Bookings
  • Job Board
  • How to Guide

Things we're looking for:

  • Imagine this is the very first thing to be built in our re-platforming project. What "foundations" would need to be set up to start?
  • While there are only 3 SVGs here, how might we best accommodate a system of 50 SVGs?
  • Which HTML elements should be used to accommodate the requirements?
  • What accessibility considerations are there?