
Generate API Docs as API Blurprint format ( https://apiblueprint.org ) from Serverless project ( http://www.serverless.com/ ).

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Serverless API Blueprint

This is API Documentation generator plugin for Serverless project. API Documentations are generated as API Blueprint format.

This can embed event.json as request body and actual response to docs to help your API development.

Getting Started

You can install with following steps. (Requirement: Serverless v0.5 or higher)

Install the plugin

npm install --save git+https://github.com/hiroara/serverless-api-blueprint.git

Configure your project

All configurations are defined under apib namespace.

Project level (s-project.json)

  • targets
    • Definitions of target directoreis to generate docs.
    • Default: empty
  • targets.<target name>.format
    • Format type defined in API Blueprint
    • Supported values are 1A only.
    • Default: 1A
  • targets.<target name>.name
    • Readable name of the API
    • Default: Target name
  • targets.<target name>.description
    • Description of the API
    • Default: Blank
  • targets.<target name>.resourceGroups
    • Definitions of resource groups
    • Each keys represent name of each resource groups
    • Default: Empty
  • targets.<target name>.resourceGroups.<name>.description
    • Description of the resource group
    • Default: Blank
  • targets.<target name>.resourceGroups.<name>.resources
    • Description of the resource group
    • Each keys represent path of each resources
    • Default: Blank
  • targets.<target name>.resourceGroups.<name>.resources.<resource path>.name
    • Name of the resource
    • Default:
  • targets.<target name>.dataStructures
    • Definitions of data structures
    • Each keys represent name of each data structure
    • Default: Empty
  • targets.<target name>.dataStructures.<structure name>.type - Data type of data structures
    • Default: object
  • targets.<target name>.dataStructures.<structure name>.attributes
    • Attributes definitions
    • Can contain additional information
  • targets.<target name>.dataStructures.<structure name>.attributes.<parameter name>.type
    • Parameter type as expected by the API
    • Default: string
  • targets.<target name>.dataStructures.<structure name>.attributes.<parameter name>.required
    • Specifier of a required parameter
    • Default: string
  • targets.<target name>.dataStructures.<structure name>.attributes.<parameter name>.example
    • Example value of the parameter
    • Default: None
  • targets.<target name>.dataStructures.<structure name>.attributes.<parameter name>.default
    • Default value of the parameter
    • Default: None
  • targets.<target name>.dataStructures.<structure name>.attributes.<parameter name>.description
    • Description of the parameter
    • Default: Blank
  • targets.<target name>.dataStructures.<structure name>.attributes.<parameter name>.additionalDescription
    • Additional description of the parameter
    • Default: None
  "custom": {
    "apib": {
      "targets": {
        "restApi": {
          "format": "1A",
          "name": "Awesome REST API",
          "description": "This is Awesome REST API!",
          "resourceGroups": {
            "Users": {
              "description": "Users registered in this service.",
              "resources": {
                "users/me": {
                  "name": "Resource Owner User"
          "dataStructures": {
            "Attachment": {
              "type": "object",
              "attributes": {
                "name": {
                  "type": "string",
                  "description": "File name",
                  "example": "default.jpg"

Function level (<targetDir>/[<subFolders>]/<functionDir>/s-function.json)

Functions on Serverless framework are used as actions.

This plugin often uses each functions on Serverless framework as multiple actions on API Blueprint, because each functions can have multiple endpoints.

  • name
    • Readable name of actions
    • Default: Function name (defined in s-function.json at path name)
  • description
    • Description of actions
    • Default: Blank
  • request
    • Indicator of whether or not to generate request example
    • Can contain additional information
    • Default: false (Do not generate)
  • request.contentType
    • Content type of the request
    • Default: application/json
  • request.eventStructure
    • Definition of structure of event.json
    • I recommend to define with s-templates.json
  • request.eventStructure.body
    • Path of request body in event.json
    • Default: Root of json
  • response
    • Indicator of whether or not to generate response example
    • Can contain additional information
    • Default: false (Do not generate)
  • response.contentType
    • Content type of the request
    • Default: application/json
  • parameters or attributes
    • Parameter or Attributes definitions
    • Can contain additional information
    • Defined in same way as dataStructures.<name>.attributes
    • Default: Empty
  "custom": {
    "apib": {
      "name": "Update an Cool Resource",
      "description": "Update specific cool resource. You should call this API!",
      "request": {
        "contentType": "application/json",
        "eventStructure": {
          "body": "body"
      "response": true,
      "pathParameters": {
        "cool_resource_id": {
          "example": "dummy-resource-id",
          "description": "Identifier of Target Resource",
          "required": true
      "attributes": {
        "username": {
          "type": "string",
          "example": "test_user",
          "description": "Name or email of the user",
          "additionalDescription": "This parameter will be recognized whether name or email automatically.",
          "required": true


You can generate docs following command.

sls apib generate

Or execute with --targets or -t option (comma separated).

sls apib generate --target restApiV1,restApiV2
