
Primary LanguageEmacs LispMIT LicenseMIT

Emacs-crowi - Crowi Emacs client.


  • Emacs client for Crowi.
  • Crowi API is experimental.


  • Add crowi.el to your Emacs load-path.
  • Add basic config to your Emacs init file.
(require 'crowi)
(setq crowi-access-token "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") ;User setting -> API settings
(setq crowi-user "crowi username") ;default (getenv "USER")
(setq crowi-uri "http://hogehoge.com:3000") ;default http://localhost:3000


  • curl is required.

Supported API

  • usres.list
  • pages.list pages.get pages.update pages.create
  • comments.get comments.add
  • attachments.list attachments.add attachments.remove


  • You can download Crowi's markdown, update it for editing, and add comments and attachment from Emacs.
command description
crowi-users-list Output user list(username,email) to the newly created buffer.
crowi-pages-list Output page-list to the newly created buffer.
crowi-pages-get Output the specified page to the newly created buffer
crowi-pages-update-from-buffer Update page from buffer contents.
crowi-pages-update-from-file Update page from file.
crowi-pages-create-from-buffer Create page from buffer contents.
crowi-pages-create-from-file Create page from file.
crowi-comments-get Output comments to the newly created buffer.
crowi-comments-add-from-buffer Add comment from buffer contents.
crowi-attachments-download Download attachment of specified page.
crowi-attachments-add Add attachment to specified page.
crowi-attachments-remove Remove attachment to specified page.

Completion candidate

  • In the situation where you need to specify a Crowi path or file, use completing-read for display candidates. So recommend using helm or ido. (It is not mandatory.)

  • When updating Crowi page, adding a comment, etc., obtain the page list from the server and display it as a candidate.

  • When crowi-pages-create you should specify the path of Crowi. This client asks for parent path and page name respectively. (At least in my case) because I often want to add markdown somewhere in the existing path.

  • In addition to displaying the existing path as a candidate, "/user/username/memo/YY/MM/DD" is also displayed as a candidate when displaying the candidate of the creation destination. This is an imitation of the behavior when Crowi's 'New' button is pressed.

  • When creating a page from a file, add the filename(basename) is displayed as a candidate.

Save acquired page and attachments

  • if you set crowi-markdown-save variable to t, will save the Markdown file to crowi-markdown-save-path.

  • When saving, keep the path name of Crowi.

Crowi path: /user/taro/memo/hogehoge
crowi-markdown-save-path: ~/wiki

download path -> ~/wiki/user/taro/memo/hogehoge.md
  • Attachments are saved with the page name prefixed.
/user/taro/memo/hogehoge attachment image.png
crowi-markdown-save-path: ~/wiki

download path -> ~/wiki/user/taro/memo/hogehoge_image.png

Customizable variables

variable type default
crowi-uri string http://localhost:3000 crowi server uri
crowi-access-token string none crowi access token
crowi-user string getenv "USER" crowi user name
crowi-curl string curl Executable for curl command.
crowi-curl-options string none Curl command additional options. Separate each option with a space. Like -k -4
crowi-markdown-save boolean nil Whether to save the Get Markdown in file.
crowi-markdown-save-path string ~/wiki Path for Markdown file save.
crowi-attachment-save-path string ~/wiki Path for attachment file save.

Assign key

If you want to assign Key in markdown-mode, please do as follows

(add-hook 'markdown-mode-hook
		  (lambda () (local-set-key "\C-cu" 'crowi-pages-update-from-file)))
