
bash run error

xiexukang opened this issue · 2 comments

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/qidongchen/xxk/neural_sp/examples/aishell/s5/../../../neural_sp/bin/lm/train.py", line 341, in
save_path = pr.runcall(main)
File "/home/qidongchen/anaconda3/envs/torch1.15/lib/python3.7/cProfile.py", line 121, in runcall
return func(*args, **kw)
File "/home/qidongchen/xxk/neural_sp/examples/aishell/s5/../../../neural_sp/bin/lm/train.py", line 176, in main
benchmark=not is_transformer and args.cudnn_benchmark)
File "/home/qidongchen/xxk/neural_sp/neural_sp/models/base.py", line 101, in cudnn_setting
assert self.use_cuda
we use train.py not error, but we use bash run , it show not cuda,my torch have gpu support

@xiexukang Can you show me your command to start training on the terminal?

i had the same problem, i check the run.sh and i set the variable gpu is to 8. At first I thought it's the number of gpu, fix it and will be ok