- 1
loss ctc fluctuates
#349 opened by qkrguswn2401 - 0
Aishell example die in stage 1
#286 opened by AliceSM - 3
librispeech dict issue vocab
#348 opened by qkrguswn2401 - 0
data preprocessing
#347 opened by artificertxj1 - 10
Need help with instructions to reproduce experiments
#227 opened by jiwidi - 0
Recommended versions of Python, Pytorch, CUDA?
#346 opened by SuryodayBasak - 0
Streamable architecture
#344 opened by Durgesh92 - 1
- 3
quetion about the loss and grad of "mbr"
#322 opened by Cescfangs - 1
a question about transducer training
#292 opened by jinggaizi - 1
conformer transducer
#298 opened by jinggaizi - 0
- 2
what's version fo cuda and pytorch
#280 opened by jinggaizi - 2
bash run error
#226 opened by xiexukang - 2
examples/ami/s5b recipe failing
#263 opened by agarwalchaitanya - 9
Streaming Transformer Transducer
#249 opened by stefan-falk - 2
question about rnnt result
#270 opened by jinggaizi - 4
Unable to reproduce MoCha with librispeech
#238 opened by cjw414 - 10
- 0
- 0
RNN-T,growing memory occupancy of GPU.
#251 opened by lfgogogo - 5
Question on masking in transformer encoder
#158 opened by t13m - 3
- 1
relative positional encoding
#184 opened by zyzpower - 1
About the performance of the chunk-hopping mechanism
#178 opened by SoonSYJ - 4
error while runing in aishell
#241 opened by lfgogogo - 3
NaN or Inf found in input tensor
#229 opened by xiaozhouguo94 - 5
- 4
module 'warpctc_pytorch' has no attribute 'gpu_ctc'
#190 opened by zyzpower - 2
- 2
Makefile error
#181 opened by dengxiaotian123 - 1
rnn transducer param error
#162 opened by zh794390558 - 3
Hello, does Transformer have not implemented beam_search_chunk_sync yet? So how does MMA test?
#183 opened by Alex-Songs - 3
aishell error, segmentation fault
#154 opened by cdliang11 - 2
Error while training models
#201 opened by cjw414 - 1
The function eval_wordpiece in asr/ doesn't support keyword argument 'teacher_force'
#210 opened by lijianhackthon - 4
How can I reproduce WER in Librispeech?
#177 opened by FzuGsr - 2
aishell reproduce
#189 opened by lfgogogo - 2
Librispeech results
#186 opened by stefan-falk - 0
asr score error
#182 opened by zh794390558 - 2
rnn-t always encounter double free error
#175 opened by zh794390558 - 1
- 1
Multi GPU training speed
#165 opened by kunazure - 1
Reproduce the reported performance
#173 opened by Jaeyun-Song - 4
multi gpu training aishell error
#150 opened by zh794390558 - 1
what's the mean of `hie` in config
#163 opened by zh794390558 - 0
accum_grad loss error
#168 opened by zh794390558 - 0
install problem
#161 opened by zh794390558 - 0
transformer LM error in ASR
#153 opened by shunfeichen - 2
about the transfer learning in neural_sp
#147 opened by shunfeichen