
searching code

Primary LanguageJavaScript

  1. input (text field)

    • get the current value of the text field
    • if the current value is an empty string, hide and/or empty the results container
    • loop through all the countries and add the ones that start with the current value of the text field to a list of matches
      • startsWith is convenient but newer
      • indexOf is good for compatibility
      • use toLowerCase on both country and value for case insensitivity
    • limit list of matches to 4
      • slice the array of results after the loop
      • or break out of the loop when length of the matches reaches 4
    • if there are no matches (i.e., the length of the array of matches is 0) show the "no results" message
    • if there the length of the matches list is 1 or greater, loop through the matches and produce html for each one
      • update the DOM once. Build up a string in a loop through the matches and after the loop put the string into the result container element
  2. mouseover (individual results)

    • event delegation makes it so you don't have to add mouseover events every time you show new results and jQuery makes event delegation easy to set up
    • remove the highlight class from any element that currently has it
    • add the highlight class to the event target
  3. mousedown (individual results)

    • set the value of the input field to the text contained by the event target
    • empty and/or hide the results
  4. keydown (text field)

    • down arrow (40)
      • if no result has the highlight class, add the highlight class to the first result
      • if the last result has the highlight class, do nothing
      • if a result other than the last one has the highlight class, remove the highlight class from the element that has it and add it to the next one
    • up arrow (38)
      • if no result has the highlight class, add the highlight class to the last result
      • if the first result has the highlight class, do nothing
      • if a result other than the first one has the highlight class, remove the highlight class from the element that has it and add it to the previous one
    • enter/return (13)
      • set the value of the input field to the text contained by the element that has the highlight class
      • empty and/or hide the results
  5. focus (text field)

    • show the results for the text currently in the text field
      • i.e., do exactly what you do when an input event happens
  6. blur (text field)

    • hide and/or empty the results container