le Web framework for Python.
Uiro provides a foundation to create a pluggable Web application.
- For creating a database-driven web application.
- Providing basict to create pluggable application.
- Designed to make user enable to use a lot of great WSGI libraries.
A simple Uiro application will be like this.
from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server
from matcha import Matching, make_wsgi_app
from uiro.controller import BaseController
from uiro.view import view_config
class Controller(BaseController):
def get_view(self, request, context):
return 'Hello {name}!'.format(**request.matched_dict)
matching = Matching('/hello/{name}', Controller())
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = make_wsgi_app(matching)
server = make_server('', 8888, app)
And setup.
pip install uiro
python hello.py
Now, you can visit http://localhost:8888/hello/world in a browser, you will see the text 'Hello world!'.
Above example is too tiny to create a common-sensible Web application. You can see Uiro documentation and learn more about Uiro
Uiro is Deciding necessary packages to avoid version collisions:
- webob==1.2.3
- gearbox==0.0.2
- matcha==0.3
- mako==0.9.0
- SQLAlchemy==0.8.3
To use these packages, Uiro (and it's third party app) users can be free by version collisions.
Uiro 0.2 is still Pre-alpha, not for production usage.