
Google, Facebook ... OAuth2 using providers identity services SDKs for React

Primary LanguageTypeScript


@hironico/react-social is a React component library that simplifies the integration of social login buttons for major login providers on the Internet such as Google, Facebook, ...

The goals of this project are :

  • speed up the time to implement social login for react apps
  • provide a template application as a boilerplate for starting a new project.

Supported login providers

The two major login providers are supported. Howwever, @hironico/react-social is designed to welcome as many provider as needed.

Currently supported providers:

  • Google
  • Facebook

More will be added in the future to cover the majority of desktop and mobile users.

Supported Platforms


@hironico/react-social supports the latest, stable releases of all major browsers and platforms. IE<=10 is not supported. @hironico/react-social is designed and implemented for use on modern browsers either on desktop or mobile platforms.

Edge Firefox Chrome Safari
>=14 >= 45 >= 49 >= 10

Supported development environment


@hironico/react-social is available as an npm package.

npm install --save @hironico/react-social

or if you prefer Yarn

yarn add @hironico/react-social


Note: you can support multiple social login providers at the same time ! This allows to link user accounts and their corresponding social profiles in your application.


Checkout the app folder for a sandbox application that demonstrates how to integrate social logins for an app.

You must create a .env file (see .env-sample) that will contain your app IDs for the login providers (Google, Facebook).

Add a context and place login buttons

Create a social login context for your react application in index.tsx file:


import { FacebookPublicProfile, FacebookUserToken, GoogleUserProfile, LoginInfo, LoginProvider } from '@hironico/react-social';


const defaultLoginInfo: LoginInfo = {
  google: null,
  googleAccessToken: null,    
  saveGoogle: (_g: GoogleUserProfile) => {},
  saveGoogleAccessToken: (_t: google.accounts.oauth2.TokenResponse) => {},

  facebook: null,
  facebookAcessToken: null,
  saveFacebook: (_fb: FacebookPublicProfile) => {},
  saveFacebookAccessToken: (_t: FacebookUserToken) => {}

      <LoginProvider {...defaultLoginInfo}>
        <App />

Then place login buttons somewhere on your welcome or login page that resides within the context tree:


<GoogleLoginButton clientId={clientId} errorCallback={errorCallback} buttonConfig={btnConfig} />
<FacebookLoginButton appId={fbAppId} errorCallback={errorCallback} apiVersion="v17.0" />



@hironico/react-social is MIT licensed. Copyright (c) 2023-present, hironico.net.