Plack::Middleware::MemoryUsage - for measuring process memory
use Plack::Builder;
builder {
enable "MemoryUsage",
callback => sub {
my ($env, $res, $before, $after, $diff) = @_;
my $worst_count = 5;
for my $pkg (sort { $diff->{$b} <=> $diff->{$a} } keys %$diff) {
warn sprintf("%-32s %8d = %8d - %8d [KB]\n",
last if --$worst_count <= 0;
# 1st diff after before
MemoryEater 36864 = 36873 - 9 [KB]
B::Size2::Terse 191 = 645 - 453 [KB]
B::AV 21 = 37 - 16 [KB]
B::HV 4 = 18 - 14 [KB]
B::NV 0 = 8 - 8 [KB]
# 2nd (grow up 18432 KB)
MemoryEater 18432 = 55305 - 36873 [KB]
Plack::Middleware::MemoryUsage 0 = 13 - 13 [KB]
IO::Socket::INET 0 = 270 - 270 [KB]
Apache2::Status 0 = 26 - 26 [KB]
Symbol 0 = 40 - 40 [KB]
Plack::Middleware::MemoryUsage is middleware for measuring process memory.
Enabling Plack::Middleware::MemoryUsage causes huge performance penalty. So I HIGHLY RECOMMEND to enable this middleware only on development env or not processing every request on production using Plack::Middleware::Conditional.
builder {
## with 1/3 probability
enable_if { int(rand(3)) == 0 } "MemoryUsage",
## only exists X-Memory-Usage request header
# enable_if { exists $_[0]->{HTTP_X_MEMORY_USAGE} } "MemoryUsage",
callback => sub {
- callback
callback subref will be called after process app.
callback => sub { my ($env, $res, $before, $after, $diff) = @_; ... };
First argument is Plack env.
Second argument is Plack response.
Third argument is a hash ref of memory usage by package at before process app.
Fourth argument is a hash ref of memory usage by package at after process app.
Fifth argument is a hash ref of difference memory usage by package between before and after.
- packages
packages arrayref will limit modules to measure.
packages => [ 'Plack::Middleware', 'B::Size2::Terse', ...];
HIROSE Masaaki <hirose31 _at_>
git clone git://
patches and collaborators are welcome.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.