If you didn't do "Local development setup", do it.
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ foreman start web
Before calling the webhook, you need to regiter device tokens.
- For Safari PUSH notifications, see Tray web app
- For iOS PUSH notifications, see Tray iOS app
$ curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"datastore_delta": [{"updater": 348426, "dsid": "default", "handle": "R5uT1VDSI8lz3LoQYjv30IgJ9fyEDW", "change_type": "update", "owner": 348426}]}' http://localhost:5000/webhook
Install PostgreSQL from http://postgresapp.com. Set PATH in your .bashrc, .zshrc or whatever you use.
It is needed before pip install -r requirements.txt
becase psycopg2
require pg_config
$ createdb tray
$ virutalenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
ZEROPUSH_SAFARI_AUTH_TOKEN=<Your Zeropush Safari Auth Token>
ZEROPUSH_IOS_AUTH_TOKEN=<Your Zeropush iOS Auth Token>
$ dotenv python
>>> from app import models
>>> models.db.create_all()
$ heroku create <Your App Name>
$ git push heroku master
$ heroku addons:add heroku-postgresq
$ heroku config:set ZEROPUSH_AUTH_TOKEN=<Your Token Here> DROPBOX_APP_SECRET=<Your Dropbox App Secret>
$ heroku run python
>>> from app import models
>>> models.db.create_all()
(venv)$ pip install a_package
(venv)$ pip freeze > requirements.txt
- Open web app with Safari (Mavericks or later) and login via Dropbox.
- It will POST /register so that Dropbox access token and Safari device token are stored.
- Add item from the iOS App.
- /webhook is called then send PUSH notification to the Safari.