
rails new -d postgres -T, omniauth-twitter, tiwtter-bootstrap-rails, etc...

Primary LanguageRuby


Replace YourAppName and your_app_name into your real app name in the instruction below.

git clone -o app_base https://github.com/hiroshi/rails_app_base.git your_app_name
cd your_app_name
git checkout -b app_base
git push --set-upstream app_base app_base:master
find app config config.ru Rakefile -type f | xargs ruby -n -i -e 'puts $_.gsub(/AppName/, "YourAppName").gsub(/app_name/, "your_app_name")'
rake db:create db:migrate
  • Replace secret token in config/initializers/secret_token.rb with the value of rake secret.
  • Replace README.md with your own README.

Start dev server

If you use heroku

heroku config:set SECRET_TOKEN=`rake secret`

Why you don't use Rails Application Template?

  • I don't want to lean yet anohter DSL of Rails Application Template.
  • I fear debugging template.rb (Edit template.rb and rails new --template path/to/template.rb again?)

Because I even didn't try to write a template.rb, some of them may be wrong.