- 4
- 2
Disconnects on Particle Core
#69 opened by natcl - 4
Mqtt Fails to connect
#66 opened by fcabrera23 - 0
#90 opened by pscruggs - 3
Message truncated at 255 bytes even though max packet size is 512 in constructor
#89 opened by platcham - 6
- 4
_client.connected bug stops loop
#87 opened by ken-vernaillen - 2
- 0
- 0
REdbear duo
#84 opened by SagarE2-s - 1
Can't seem to get data via subscribe feed
#82 opened by benjgorman - 2
- 2
Connecting and specifying LWT
#80 opened by bwieg92 - 2
- 1
Facilitate PublishOnly uses
#79 opened by Jeppedy - 24
Give an example of publish with retained bit set
#68 opened by raenrfm - 3
Does QOS2 also queue messages if connection is gone while publishing the QOS2 message?
#65 opened by kenvernaillenvub - 2
Async pushing of QOS0 and QOS2
#76 opened by mkesselaers - 3
Subscribe Retain Flag
#73 opened by marc-gist - 1
Make the publish function blocking
#72 opened by shivams - 3
MQTT_KEEPALIVE 15 is expensive
#70 opened by jrburk - 5
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 2
Publish rate
#63 opened by eushay - 1
QOS2 doesn't work
#56 opened by kenvernaillenvub - 1
Clean session not implemented correctly
#62 opened by robynjayqueerie - 2
Support for clean session
#61 opened by AndrewWeiss - 1
Callback context
#60 opened by norgepaul - 3
Could you migrate this lib to v2.0 format please?
#59 opened by ScruffR - 5
Build fails because of missing application.h
#58 opened by alignan - 5
Include header guards in MQTT.h
#51 opened by alignan - 3
- 8
Could you clarify this please?
#55 opened by ScruffR - 5
- 1
Update lib on particle web-ide
#53 opened by nitej - 3
- 4
- 0
initializing argument 4 of 'bool MQTT::publish(const char*, const uint8_t*, unsigned int, MQTT::EMQTT_QOS, bool, uint16_t*)' [-fpermissive]
#45 opened by kenvernaillenvub - 1
- 3
Multiple Photons loose connection
#43 opened by BaudGit - 3
initializing argument 2 of 'bool MQTT::publish(const char*, const char*, MQTT::EMQTT_QOS, uint16_t*)' [-fpermissive]
#41 opened by mhelgren - 6
Size of message to be sent
#42 opened by Biribu - 1
QOS not editable in client.publish()
#36 opened by ilsocio87 - 4
Photon Disconnects and won't reconnect
#40 opened by cketcham - 4
#34 opened by jrburk - 3
Please acknowledge PubSubClient
#35 opened by knolleary - 7
initializing argument 2 of 'bool MQTT::publish(const char*, const uint8_t*, unsigned int)' [-fpermissive]
#33 opened by rayterrill - 1
Support for persistent session
#32 opened by perotom