
Neoconf plugin to automatically set project's virtual-environment python runtime.

Primary LanguageLua

Venom: Neoconf Plugin

Discover project's virtual-environment and automatically set LSP servers.


Automatically find project's virtual-environment using various strategies:

  • Searches for venv, .venv, .python-version
    • If directory, use as virtual-environment. Great for in-project environments.
    • If a file, read the first line as path. Good for pyenv/virtualenvwrapper
  • Otherwise, use 3rd-party tools to find one:
    • poetry env info -p
    • pipenv --venv

Once found, register with LSP servers:

  • pyright
  • pylsp

Once installed and set-up, you can use :Neoconf lsp to view the applied changes.



Use your favorite package-manager:

With lazy.nvim
  dependencies = { 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' },
  version = false,
With packer.nvim
use {
  requires = { 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' }


It's important that you set up venom AFTER neoconf.nvim and BEFORE nvim-lspconfig.

For example, using lazy.nvim:

  event = { 'BufReadPre', 'BufNewFile' },
  dependencies = {
    { 'folke/neoconf.nvim', cmd = 'Neoconf', config = true },
  config = function(_, opts)


    -- continue to setup lsp servers…

  dependencies = { 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim', 'folke/neoconf.nvim' },


Plugin will automatically run once editing a file. You can also select a runtime path using :Telescope venom virtualenvs

Use :Neoconf lsp to view settings. For example:

# Lsp Settings

## pyright

  python = {
    analysis = {
    pythonPath = "/Users/bob/.local/share/pyenv/versions/foo/bin/python"


These are the default settings:

  echo = true,
  symbol = '🐍',
  venv_patterns = { 'venv', '.venv', '.python-version' },
  use_tools = true,
  tools = {
    pipenv = { 'pipenv', '--venv' },
    poetry = { 'poetry', 'env', 'info', '-p' },
  plugins = {
    pyright = function(venv_path)
      return {
        python = {
          pythonPath = table.concat({ venv_path, 'bin', 'python' }, '/')
    pylsp = function(venv_path)
      return {
        pylsp = {
          plugins = { jedi = { environment = venv_path } }

Telescope Extension

A Telescope extension is also included that you can select a python runtime you'd like to use.

Open: :Telescope venom virtualenvs

See More

neoconf.nvim, nvim-lspconfig