Discord Channel Saver

Save all messages and attachments sent in a channel using a simple discord bot

Available Commands


  • Display help/command usage for this discord bot

save [limit=9999]

  • Save all messages and attachments sent in the channel with the given limit. limit will default to 9999

Installing and Running

Arch Linux

run the commands below, line by line

sudo pacman -Syy install git nano python python-pip --noconfirm
pip install discord -U
git clone "https://github.com/hirusha-adi/Discord-Channel-Attacthment-Save.git"
cd ./Discord-Channel-Attacthment-Save
nano ./token.txt
# [Ctrl]+[Shift]+V to save the bot token
# [Ctrl]+O to save the file"
python main.py

or run,

sudo pacman -Syy wget --noconfirm
wget "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hirusha-adi/Discord-Channel-Attacthment-Save/main/arch.sh"
chmod +x ./arch.sh


run the commands below, line by line

sudo apt install git python3 python3-pip nano -y
pip3 install discord -U
git clone "https://github.com/hirusha-adi/Discord-Channel-Attacthment-Save.git"
cd ./Discord-Channel-Attacthment-Save
nano ./token.txt
# [Ctrl]+[Shift]+V to save the bot token
# [Ctrl]+O to save the file
python3 main.py

or run,

sudo apt install wget -y
wget "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hirusha-adi/Discord-Channel-Attacthment-Save/main/ubuntu.sh"
chmod +x ./ubuntu.sh


  1. Download and install Python3. Make sure to 'Add to PATH' when install python3


  1. Download the code as a .zip file from this Github Reposotory


(this above image might not be the same)

  1. Extract the downloaded .zip file

  2. open cmd or powershell in that folder

  3. run the command below to install requirements

python -m pip install -U discord
  1. run the command below to start the prorgam
python main.py