
imgcat written in Clojure

Primary LanguageClojureMIT LicenseMIT


imgcat written in Clojure

Display one or more images in iTerm2 inline. For example:

clj-imgcat screenshot


Add the following dependency to your project.clj file

Clojars Project


After launching the REPL in an iTerm window,

user=> (require '[clj-imgcat.core :refer [imgcat]])
user=> (imgcat "logo.png")

To display remote image,

user=> (imgcat "https://clojure.org/images/clojure-logo-120b.png")

Specify options,

width and height are given as a number followed by a unit.

; N character cells
user=> (imgcat "logo.png" :width 10)

; N pixels
user=> (imgcat "logo.png" :width "50px" :height "100px" :preserveAspectRatio 0)

; N percent of the session's width or height
user=> (imgcat "logo.png" :width "25%")

Execute via lein run

% lein run
Usage: lein run <image file>

% lein run image.png
% lein run image.png :width 50%

Execute via CLI

% clj -M -m clj-imgcat.core image.png
% clj -M -m clj-imgcat.core image.png :width 80%


  • Inline Images Protocol for iTerm2. doc
  • Original sample code
  • iTerm2's Proprietary Escape Codes doc


Copyright (c) 2024 hisaitami

Distributed under the terms of the MIT License