
A port of obsidian-dataview for neovim

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


A Neovim plugin for executing obsidian-dataview queries. This plugin is meant to complement the great obsidian.nvim.


Coming soon


  • :DataviewCompile to get the result of the current query. This is the query your cursor is over.


Coming Soon



Using lazy.nvim

    -- only load dataview.nvim for files in your obsidian vault
    event = {
        "BufEnter " .. vim.fn.expand "~" .. "/path-to-my-vault**",
    -- configuration here, see below for full configuration options
    opts = {
        vault_dir = "path/to/vault",
        buffer_type = "float", -- float | split | vsplit | tab


This is a complete list of all the options that can be passed to require("dataview").setup() or the lazy opts table. The values displayed are the defaults

    -- Required, the path to your obsidian vault against which queries will be run
    vault_dir = "path/to/vault",
    -- Optional, the type of window to open to display the result of a dataview query
    -- One of `float`, `split`, `vsplit`, or `tab`. Defaults to `float`
    buffer_type = "float",