
Have a backend in your code, easily proxy traffic through it according to it's status.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Proxy backend

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proxy-backend wrapps node-http-proxy while monitoring the backend status with status-monitor.


node-http-proxy is by far the best library to proxy http traffic. It was just missing some healthchecks(status-monitor) to the destination it's forwarding to.

Simple usage

The following example is an express website that proxy to a remote server only when it's valid

const {ProxyBackend} = require('proxy-backend');
const proxyBackend = new ProxyBackend({
    proxyOptions : {
        target : 'http://example.com'
    monitorOptions : {
        requestOptions : {
            url : 'http://example.com'
    onWebUnavailable(req , res){
        res.status(503).send(`example.com is down =( `)
proxyBackend.proxy.on('proxyRes' , (proxyRes, req, res)=>{
    delete proxyRes.headers['cache-control']
    delete proxyRes.headers['etag']
    console.log(`Just finished a test it was ${testResult.status}`)
    console.log(`Ok now I'm sure that server is ${status}`)
const express = require('express')
const app = express()

app.get('/', (req, res) => {
    req.headers.host = 'example.com';
    proxyBackend.web(req , res);

app.listen(3000, () => console.log('Example app listening on port 3000!'))
