## Welcome to
# Messini Store
##### User app | ##### Driver app | ##### Control panel |
phone: any | password: any | phone: +213657193123 | password: 123456 | |
Download app | Download app | Open Website |
##### Help Me grow 🙏
donation to: el.hafed.messini@gmail.com
##### Welcome to any questions 👋
✨ Apps Features
🌍 Multi Language
🌙 Dark/Light mode
💫 Easy setup
✅Easy to use
👨💻 ready for developers
and many more .....
# 🛠Quick Setup (Make each app separately):
on app directory open: android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
on <application ...> edit android:label="YOUR APP NAME"
### Change app colors:
on app directory open: lib/utils/app_themes.dart
go to line to this two line and edit primary and main color
static const primaryColor = Color(0xff019267);
static const mainColor = Color(0xff00C897);
on app directory open: lib/utils/app_const.dart and edit settings
go to: assets/images folder and replace logo.png with yours
go to terminal and run:
flutter pub get
flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main
# 🌐Server Setup
1- Import db.sql file to your PhpMyAdmin
2- Upload api.php and db.php files to your server
3- Edit db.php file with your database information
# 🏗 build apk/aab file (user and driver app only)
- create keystore to sign app: Create keystore
go to: android/ folder and replace messini-store.jks with yours
open: android/key.properties file and fill it with your key password
go to terminal and run:
flutter build apk
flutter build aab
# 🏗 Build web app ( control panel app only )
go to terminal and run:
flutter build web --release
upload your web build folder content to your server