[Doesn't work anymore as slader has been moved to quizlet] Chrome extension to bypass monthly limit of slader solutions, download single solution, capture the screen and print the solution.
- Bypass slader monthly limit of premium books. so now solutions are limited
- Download solution of a particular page
- Capture the screen and save the capture as a mp4 file
- Print the solution of current page
- Google Chrome (Recommended)
- Microsoft Edge
- Download this repository as zip then unzip. N.B: We will need 'Slader_Limit_Vanished_V2' folder only. Not full unzipped folder
- go to chrome/edge extension page and enable developer mode
- Click load unpacked button
- And then select the 'Slader_Limit_Vanished_V2' folder
At slader, besides free books, there are also books which require premium access. This extension bypasses the paywall, remove the warning message and make all solutions accessible. For example: This book https://www.slader.com/textbook/9780989472104-book-of-proof requires premium access
This option downloads the solution and the comments of the problem. Please wait as the response from the API takes time. Also please use your own API key as the request is limited. The API request limit is 100 req/month. So you can download upto 100 solution per month:
For API Key: As there is a limit of 100 req/month, so, it is recommended to use your own api key. Go to this site https://apiflash.com/ , create free account and you will get free API_KEY. Now, go to 'Slader_Limit_Vanished_V2/javascript/content_script.js' file and at line 5, change the API_KEY and that's it.
This option share and capture screen based on various options like tab, window and whole screen. After closing screen sharing, it will automatically download the recorded video capture file as mp4 file
This option prints the solution of the currently active page
- Chrome Getting Started Tutorial: Getting Started
- Chrome API Reference: Chrome API Reference
- Extension Guide: Shiffman_Extension
- Some Example: TamimEhsan/ChromeExtensions
- Facebook HideSharedPost: TamimEhsan/HideSharedPost
- Idea taken: https://github.com/lebr0nli/slader-extension
- Fire event at element creation: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8560819/chrome-extension-fire-an-event-when-element-created
- X-Forwarder-For(Request Header) doc: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-Forwarded-For
- Download image: https://dev.to/sbodi10/download-images-using-javascript-51a9
- Screenshot API documentation: https://apiflash.com/documentation
- Screenshot Implementation: https://hackernoon.com/how-to-take-screenshots-in-the-browser-using-javascript-l92k3xq
- Screen Capture documentation: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Screen_Capture_API/Using_Screen_Capture
- Screen Capture implementation: https://dev.to/sebastianstamm/screen-recording-in-10-lines-of-vanilla-js-3bo8
- MediaRecorder API documentation: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MediaRecorder/MediaRecorder
- Retrive Specific content of a webpage with all its styles: https://stackoverflow.com/a/6310120
- Popup template: https://freefrontend.com/css-modal-windows/