
This repository contains spectrogram generation using CMSIS DSP

Primary LanguageC

Spectrogram/ PSD Generation using CMSIS DSP

This project aims to implement spectrogram generation using CMSIS DSP in C/C++. It provides both C code for generating spectrograms utilizing CMSIS DSP library APIs (i.e. FFT, Fast Fourier Transform and so on) and Python code for plotting the spectrograms.

Folder Structure

  • /python: Contains Python code for plotting spectrograms.
  • /cmsis: Contains CMSIS DSP library code for utilized for generating spectrograms.
  • /src: Contains source code for implementing and testing the spectrogram generation.


  • CMake
  • CMSIS DSP library
  • (Optional) Python 3.x/ Jupyter/ Notebook
  • (Optional) matplotlib (for Python spectrogram plotting from /python folder)


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/hissain/dsp-spectrogram.git
  2. Build the CMSIS DSP module using script:

    cd dsp-spectrogram
    cd cmsis
    sh clean.sh
    sh build.sh
  3. Build the Main app using script:

    cd .. #root
    sh clean.sh
    sh build.sh
  4. Run the generated executable to generate spectrogram data. Please refer to src/main.c to understand whats going on and start exploring from there.

     sh run.sh


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.