
Test plugin to experiment with VCV Rack modules.

Primary LanguageC


Test plugin to experiment with VCV Rack modules.

It contains the tutorial plugin from the online manual: https://vcvrack.com/manual/PluginDevelopmentTutorial.html

Create a template plugin:

<Rack SDK directory>/helper.py createplugin MyPlugin


Compile, build or build and install:

RACK_DIR=<Rack SDK folder> make
RACK_DIR=<Rack SDK folder> make dist
RACK_DIR=<Rack SDK folder> make install


Panel widget colours in components

  • Param: #ff0000
  • Input: #00ff00
  • Output: #0000ff
  • Custom widget: #ffff00

Create module source file from panel:

<Rack SDK directory>/helper.py createmodule <module slug> res/<module slug>.svg src/<module slug>.cpp


The VCV Rack API v1 is here: https://vcvrack.com/docs/index.html


See /rack-sdk/include/logger.hpp for levels of log messages, for example

DEBUG("Hello world");

Log messages are stored in log.txt.
To follow the changes in log.txt in the terminal:

tail -f /Users/<username>/Documents/Rack/log.txt