
Qubes builder plugin for windows

Primary LanguagePowerShellGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Preparing the Windows build environment

Currently (Qubes R3) all Windows Tools code is built using Visual Studio 2013 and WDK 8.1. Builder machine should run Windows 7 64-bit (other OS versions weren't tested). Prerequisites take a lot of space so 30-40 GB for HDD is recommended. Builder scripts take care of getting/installing almost all needed prerequisites but some things need to be done by hand:

  1. Install Service Pack 1 for Windows 7. Without it Visual Studio won't install.
  2. Install Visual Studio 2017 Community [1]. Deselect all optional components. Install in a path without spaces or suffer frustration with makefiles. VS requires .NET Framework 4.5 but I think the setup includes that.
  3. Install Windows Driver Kit 10 [2].

Manual environment setup

You need to manually install:

  • Python3 (select to add it to system path)
  • Wix toolset
  • msys2
  • additional packages in msys2 environment, call: pacman -S git make p7zip diffutils tar
  • create qubes-builder/chroot-win7x64/.be-prepared file with 4th line being a path to wix installation and 5th line being a path to python3. Both paths needs to be msys2-encoded. First 3 lines are ignored. For example:

Then proceed with standard way of obtaining qubes builder: https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/qubes-builder

Automated environment setup

Note: the get-be.ps1 script is currently broken (not updated for msys2).

If you're starting in a clean OS without Qubes Builder, the get-be powershell script initializes the build environment. Download it from here:


...and run: powershell -ExecutionPolicy bypass -f get-be.ps1

The script:

  • Prepares msys/mingw environment
  • Clones qubes-builder
  • Installs GPG and verifies code signatures
  • Adds a msys shell shortcut to the start menu
  • Generates a code signing certificate for Windows binaries (necessary for drivers). Use no password for testing.

Building Qubes Windows Tools

Before building, prepare the appropriate builder.conf in the root of qubes-builder. Example config is provided as windows-tools.conf. From the newly launched msys shell run:

  • make get-sources
  • make qubes

The finished installer will be in qubes-src\installer-qubes-os-windows-tools.

[1] https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/products/visual-studio-community-vs.aspx

[2] https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=42273