
helper function to generate templates for hydro simulations

Primary LanguagePython


helper function to generate templates for hydro simulations


  • Enzo template files are in the enzo-templates/templates
  • the templates can be generated with Jinja2 with generateEnzoTemplates.py
  • sample enzo parameter is music_input.enzo

Outline of what generateEnzoTemplates.py does

  1. Initialize an Dengo ChemicalNetwork object with all the reactions and rates

  2. Based on the reactions and chemical cooling/ heating, the required scripts are generated from pre-written enzo templates files. (Currently it works with the particular commit: git checkout d84c2415b7914c7bab729c2d818b5af8c85c1918. Checkout this particular commit for a working integration. We will work to incorporate it to more recent versions of Enzo).

  3. The templates written based on Dengo are placed in templatedir

  4. They can then be placed in the directory enzo-dev/src/enzo

  5. Dengo-enabled enzo can be built by make dengo-yes grackle-no, below shows the example snippit from make show-config.

CONFIG_GRACKLE  [grackle-{yes,no}]                        : no
CONFIG_DENGO    [dengo-{yes,no}]                          : yes
  1. Specify the paths to various libraries in respective Make.mach.linux-gnu, by default Dengo would fill them out automatically if the paths are specified already in the enviroment or in the ChemicalNetwork object.
LOCAL_DENGO_INSTALL = {{network._dengo_install_path}}
LOCAL_CVODE_INSTALL = {{network._cvode_path}}
LOCAL_SUITESPARSE_INSTALL = {{network._suitesparse_path}}
  1. Now try making enzo! Make sure the mpic++ is built with the same gcc you use to build Dengo