MGcount is a program for counting whole-transcriptome RNA-seq reads from one or more input alignment files (.bam). It is specially designed to incorporate multi-mapping and multi-overlapping reads in the quantification using a flexible methodology that is compatible with any biotype. At the end of its execution, it produces a count matrix, compatible with any downstream analysis.
MGcount deppends on FeatureCounts. Please download it from the following link:
MGcount is written in Python and is executed from the command line. You can either download the executable version (single binary file) or install it as a Python3 module.
You can install the package as a Python module:
pip3 install git+
Once the package is installed, run the tool as a Python installed module:
python3 -m mgcount [args]
Alternatively can download the latest release as a binary executable file here.
Save the program file to your Linux system and set the permissions to allow executing the file as program:
chmod +x mgcount
Once the file is executable, run the tool by calling the file from the command line with the desired arguments.
MGcount [args]
MGcount user guide can be found inside the docs subfolder or accessed through the following link: Link to User Guide!
The work is funded by a Marie Curie early stage researcher fellowship. (European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 813282).
MGcount itself is free software distributed under GPL.
For more details, please, check our paper!