
Simple nodejs git library.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


A simple NodeJS git library.

This library just wraps around common git cli commands and allows you to call git commands through NodeJS.


You Must have Git cli installed for gityup to work.

Very basic usage

const gity = require('gityup');

// Clone repo

// Setup repo name for use with the rest of our functions

// Checkout existing branch

// See current git status

How it works

Gityup wraps basic git cli commands in functions and exceutes them using nodes child_process module.

Example command function

// Checkout branch
var checkout = function ( branch_name ) {
  var git_path = get_git_path(),
      command = git_path + ' checkout ' + branch_name;

  execute( command );

The command is executed synchronously and blocks the main thread.


  • Add flag options to commands
  • Enable asynchronous promise based execution
  • Add more git commands: fetch, commit, stash, merge etc.
  • Add getters/setters to commands


gityup.setup( [directory_name] )

setup() Must be called before any other method is used. This is how gityup knows where to find your repository.

  • directory_name required Is the path to the git directory relative to the script calling gityup. No need for a closing backslash.

gityup.clone( [http_url] )

clone() Is just like it's git counterpart and clones the file into the working scripts directory.

  • http_url required The http/s url for the git repository.

gityup.checkout( [branch_name] )

checkout() Is used for switching between branches.

  • branch_name required The branch name to switch to.

// Switched to branch 'gh-pages'


status() Gets the current repository git status and console.logs it to the terminal.


// Prints out
// On branch master
// Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
// Changes not staged for commit:
//   (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
//   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
// 	modified:   README.md
// no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")


pull() Fetches and merges the current branch's head with the working tree.


// Already up-to-date.