
An init script for creating the base for a wordpress and gulp project.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

wp-base started scripts


wp-base is a nodejs index file that pulls wordpress and sets up base directories and node modules for running a basic wordpress and gulp setup.


wp-base is used mainly for setting up our starter projects when working with wordpress. It's easy to just clone the repo and have the script setup most of what you need.


NOTE: This requires node 8+

  1. Git clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/hitautodestruct/wp-base.git
  1. Set the PROJECT_NAME to the name of the wordpress theme you want to create inside of index.js
// Inside index.js
const PROJECT_NAME = 'newproject'
  1. Run the command npm run create
  2. Start gulping with gulp


  • This project does not install global node or gulp
  • This project has been tested with macOS only