
WordPress Packagist — manage your plugins with Composer

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WordPress Packagist

This is the repository for wpackagist.org which allows WordPress plugins and themes to be managed along with other dependencies using Composer.

More info and usage instructions at wpackagist.org or follow us on Twitter @wpackagist.

For support and discussion, please use the issue tracker above.


Example composer.json:

    "name": "acme/brilliant-wordpress-site",
    "description": "My brilliant WordPress site",
    "require": {
    "autoload": {
        "psr-0": {
            "Acme": "src/"

WordPress core

This does not provide WordPress itself.

See https://github.com/fancyguy/webroot-installer or https://github.com/johnpbloch/wordpress.

Running Wpackagist


  1. Make sure you have PDO with sqlite support enabled.
  2. Make sure data is writable. Do NOT create data/packages.sqlite, it will be created automatically.
  3. Run composer install.
  4. Point your Web server to web. A .htaccess is provided for Apache.

Updating the database

The first database fetch may easily take 30-60 minutes, be patient.

  1. bin/cmd refresh: Refresh the list of plugins and themes to find new and updated packages.
  2. bin/cmd update: Update the versions for packages identified in 1..
  3. bin/cmd build: Rebuild all .json files in web/.