HR Analytics Power BI

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Transform your HR strategy with our advanced Power BI dashboard, meticulously crafted for HR analytics. Gain profound insights into workforce dynamics, employee performance, and key HR metrics. Elevate decision-making and strategic planning through tailored visualizations, empowering human resources professionals with the tools they need for informed and impactful organizational management.

KPIs Overview

KPI Description
Count of Employees Total number of employees in the organization.
Attrition and Attrition Rate Measure of employee turnover and its percentage.
Average Age, Salary, and Years of Service Average values for age, salary, and years of service.

Key Features

Feature Description
Dynamic Slices Granular workforce metrics across departments
(Human Resources, Research and Development, Sales).
Interactive Charts • Attrition Analysis
• Gender Distribution
Education Field Analysis Explore attrition trends based on educational backgrounds.
Age Group Analysis Uncover insights into age-related attrition patterns.
Salary Slab Analysis Correlate salary levels with employee turnover.
Data-Backed Recommendations Empower HR decision-makers with actionable insights.

Collaboration and Feedback

If you have suggestions, improvements, or would like to contribute, please create an issue or pull request. Your input is valuable in enhancing the effectiveness of HR analytics.

