Chinese word segmentation in tensorflow.
The architecture of this model is simple. There are three components of the model:
- Embedding: words embedding layer
- BiLSTM: a bidirectional LSTM layer
- CRF: a conditional random field layer
Segmentation is some kind of tagging. We can tag each token of the input sequence with Only a few tags:
- B: begin of a token
- M: middle of a token
- E: end of a token
- S: single character as a token
- O: Out of tags
We train the model to tag every input sequence, and then wo process the tagged result, so we get the final segmentation.
Assuming that we have a hparams file in deepseg/example_params.json
python -m deepseg.runner \
--params_file=deepseg/example_params.json \
python -m deepseg.runner \
--params_file=deepseg/example_params.json \
python -m deepseg.runner \
--params_file=deepseg/example_params.json \
python -m deepseg.runner \
--params_file=deepseg/example_params.json \
You may want to export the model to saved model format and serve it on tf serving, you can just run:
python -m deepseg.runner \
--params_file=deepseg/example_params.json \