
Setup for omxsync server - slave on RPi

Primary LanguagePython


1- This script will install omxplyer-sync as master along with omxplayer.deb and sync.

2- copy script will watch media folder for any changes, if changes are there,

3- JQ will pharse __Playlist.json and save all video file names to /home/pi/playlist.txt

4- All files will be taken from /home/pi/playlist.txt

5- each file played will be logged in /home/pi/playlogs.txt

6- setup script added

Mp4 files are pushed from server to all players using Pisignage https://github.com/colloqi/pisignage-server Playlist is used from pisignage-server

It also uses edited version of omxplayer-sync - https://github.com/hitesh83/omxplayer-sync