Community Detection from Research Articles

The task is to detect research papers which belong to a common field of research.

The project contains following folders:

  • aan :

    • This folder consists of the AAN (ACL Anthology Network) dataset. We worked on the 2013 release of the dataset.
  • aan_small :

    • This folder consists of a subset of the AAN dataset. It contains approximately 2000 nodes.
  • algorithms:

    • This folder contains the code for the different algorithms used.
      • Cosine-kmeans
      • Jaccard-kmeans
      • Louvain
      • Newman-girvan
      • Newman-girvan-v2 (not used to generate the outputs)
  • metrics:

    • This folder contains code for different metrics used to construct the network.
      • authorCitation
        • This metric uses the author citation network to detect communities. We have used louvain and newman-girvan algorithms for this.
        • How to run: Refer Community-Detection/metrics/authorCitation/
      • paperCitaion
        • This metric uses the paper citation network to detect communities. We have used louvain and newman-girvan algorithms for this.
        • How to run: Refer Community-Detection/metrics/paperCitation/
      • title
        • This folder contains the code for running K-means algorithm (using Jaccard and Cosine) on the title metric.
        • How to run: Refer Community-Detection/metrics/title/
      • year
        • This folder contains the code for running K-means algorithm (using Jaccard and Cosine) on the year metric.
        • How to run: Refer Community-Detection/metrics/year/
  • outputs

    • This folder contains the outputs for various algorithms run on different metrics along with their respective graphs.
  • CommunityDetectionReport.pdf: Project report